bush* only delivered HALF THE VACCINE for the FLU this year....then bush* appeared on TV and told Americans to SACRIFICE for others and DON'T GET THE FLU VACCINE, in fact, bush* claimed that he himself would sacrifice and NOT get the VACCINE....
now, more FLU Vaccine has become available, but bush* is NOWHERE to be seen on National TV, AWOL again,, showing no effort to FIX the mess he made.....many will DIE from the FLU this year...the FLU causes PNEUMONIA, leading to DEATH....
http://www.cdc.govlook at this 'color-coded' alert systems developed like homeland security...deceptive for certain, lacking any real numbers on DEATHS and Hospitalizations for FLU, hiding DEATHS behind statistical manipulation, like all bushites do, created to confuse and very unclear....but definitely SPREADING and FLU at epidemic levels in the NorthEast.....
All over America, TWELVE STATES moved up a whole step, on the 'color-coded' chart...bush* death progrom marches through America....over 40 MILLION Americans have NO HEALTH INSURANCE under bush*....this is a slow-motion CATASTROPHY under bush*...."homeland security", anyone???