In case anyone had any doubt, Armstrong Williams is a certified Uncle Tom on the payroll of Bushco.Commentator was paid to promote schools initiative
Williams got $240,000 from Education Dept.
Prominent commentator Armstrong Williams on Friday defended a contract under which the U.S. Department of Education paid him $240,000 to promote President Bush’s No Child Left Behind education initiative, but he said he understands why critics are questioning whether the deal was ethical.
Williams, a conservative pundit who has a syndicated television show and writes op-ed pieces that appear in many newspapers, made numerous TV appearances on Friday to respond to a front-page article in USA Today detailing the contract.
Citing documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request, USA Today said that in exchange for the payments, Armstrong was required “to regularly comment on the (initiative) during the course of his broadcasts” of his television show, "The Right Side," and to interview Education Secretary Rod Paige for TV and radio advertisements that aired on his show in 2004.
Report: Williams encouraged others to promote law
The newspaper the contract also required him to to encourage other black journalists to promote the law, which dramatically increased the role of the federal government in guaranteeing the quality of public education.