He hires on the Jax Times Union editor who was fired for allegedly watching porn on the job plus plagiarism. Where are your "values", Jeb?
http://www.theledger.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050107/NEWS/501070381/1134SNIP..."TALLAHASSEE -- The day after Gov. Jeb Bush fired a top official because of sexual harassment allegations, Bush's office confirmed the hiring of a controversial former journalist who resigned last November after public allegations of plagiarism and sexual harassment.
Lloyd Brown, 65, resigned his position as editorial page editor of the Florida Times-Union in Jacksonville on Nov. 2 after a newspaper review found instances of plagiarism in some of the editorials Brown had written.
The plagiarism review was sparked after a former TimesUnion editorial writer, Billee Bussard, wrote a lengthy article in Folio Weekly, a Jacksonville weekly newspaper. In the article, titled "Porn, Hypocrisy, Plagiarism: The Dark Side of Jacksonville's Daily," Bussard wrote about Brown's alleged viewing of Internet pornography in the paper's office, claiming he also held sexual conversations on the telephone while viewing the pornography.Bush spokesman Jacob DiPietre said Thursday that Brown was hired Dec. 20 at an annual salary of $80,000 as a staff writer.
In the position, Brown writes speeches, letters to the editor and other material for Bush...."END SNIP