The attempt to draw parallels is spin being performed by a desperate administration. It is impossible to compare the two because Iraq had not acted aggresively outside it's borders since 1990 and did not threaten world stability.
Check out the following's a report from the Army War College written before the war occured warning how underprepared we were for post-Saddam Iraq, the monumental challenges we would face and that if we did not get it write, a region far more violent and dangerous then Hussein ever was would emerge. Unfortunatly, our media whores were not revealing these insights to the public as part of their pre-war pep rally. Page 13 details the progress made in reconstruction of Germany and says the following:
"Within three months of Germany's surrender, German armed force were demobilized and disarmed, more then 4 million POW's and refugees were cared for and repatriated, basic service to devestated cities were restored,a potential revolt was discovered and quashed, working local goverments were created, and the police and courts were recreated."
There it is our own military saying what was accomplished in the summer of 1945.
We are no where nere this point in Iraq. Post war reconstruction began two years before the surrender of Germany and was a monumental effort. Bush is no Harry Truman and there is nothing comperable to the Marshall Plan. It has now been leaked from the Joint Chiefs of Staff that there was no post-war game plan. If only things looked as good as post-war Germany. They are desperate and lying their asses off in trying to compare this to WWII.