Lovely quote by G W Armageddon*.
"To everything we know there is a season," said Bush at September's Republican National Convention, "a time for sadness, a time for struggle, a time for rebuilding. And now we have reached a time for hope. This young century will be liberty's century."* Bush talks of an ownership society; claiming it is not how government or big business will create or protect their own wealth, but we citizens ourselves. :wtf: Given corporate power, we kinda need them to make money. A pity then that they move jobs offshore while devaluing the jobs they can't move offshore.
* Bush talks fixing the medical system. Apparently, capping medical lawsuits is the holy grail. While that is a problem, a much bigger problem is the ratio of qualified doctors to utter quacks; the latter of which are why all too many LEGITIMATE lawsuits are made. (even I had been told by a good acquaintance that, given my experiences and misdiagnoses that I've actually got a case. And let's face it, the reason why I'm defensive and "paranoid" to those quack counselors is because each time I go to one in their clinic, they peg me after 2 visits with having all sorts of things. All sorts of things that my co-workers, who also work in psychology and have degrees, would
READILY DISMISS AS BOGUS. Of course, my co-workers are more concerned about quality than profit, so go figure. (I won't digress into my other favorite topic, that revolves around profit and greed...)
* Bush claims he's keeping America safe. Tell that to all the terrorists overseas that HE is creating by proxy.
* Bush claims his policies will create jobs. So far we've lost millions, gained a few hundred thousand, maybe a million or so. What types of jobs were lost? Which types were created? Were the created ones any better? Or worse? How many unemployed slip through our system because they're past some date on a calendar? Unemployed is more than getting a free check from the government every month. Oh, anybody else notice how 4 years of tax cuts have not led to those big jobs creations he kept blathering about?
* Bush claims to be a man of peace and a man of truth who'll restore dignity to the White House. Never mind how he treats anybody who appears to disagree with him. The fact that he LIED and DECEIVED to go into a country. Eventually capture a man he has a definite bloodfued on. And have his pistol, surely a relic of history and not of a family vendetta, hung in the same room where Bill showed somebody a different sort of pistol... why is it his to personally spoo on, instead of a museum such as the Smithsonian, huh?
* Not to mention that Bush favors inciting fear, threats, and goading of political enemies, not excluding the leaders of other countries, blissfully unaware (we'd hope) that other leaders have every right to do what he can as well.
You know what? We're boned.
The following picture emphasizes how Iraq was truly about Liberation, and not conquest, colonization, or any other form of selfish vanity: