No, no and no.
Or to clarify the first No, the GAO investigation has nothing to do with having a senator, at least not to my knowledge.
And btw, I wasn't disappointed by the vote (went with the territorty), I was disappointed in just about everything I heard yesterday, and indeed the whole 'strategy,' if you could call it that.
They went in having carefully neutered themselves beforehand and during. They were all so hell-bent on reassuring the Repugs that they weren't actually challenging the election, that they gave away ANY negotiating power they mgiht have otherwise had and I don't think the whole thing even made it to CBS news last night. It was on ABC, but in one sentence toward the end, maybe two. So anticlimactic that IMO it was virtually a waste of time except that they happened to get a little C-Span and cable daytime news time. That's it. Almost useless.