This is from a year ago, but I just came across it today. I hate these people. click the link and feel free to let these people know what you think of their filthy attacks on Cho, if you like. Friends of Margaret Cho,
Because Matt Drudge posted an incomplete and edited "transcript" of Margaret Cho's set (about 2 mins. of the 20 min. set.) at the show Monday night, I have received non stop hateful emails. I believe that many people who read the "transcript" didn't even realize she is a comedian because they mentioned her "speech." Most of my traffic has come directly from a site called, which posted the "transcript" from Drudge.
Although people were offended by and commented on different parts of the "transcript," it seems that Margaret's biggest crimes are being fat, Asian-American, GLBT supportive, and female. I put a few of them on this page but will forward many more, if asked. I'm sorry in advance if the crudeness offends you. Please know that I am sensitive to that but I think you should know what kind of vitriol is being thrown at Margaret and the kind of racism, homophobia, and misogyny we're up against in the coming election.