Every so often somebody pipes up and yells "XM IS EVIL, CLEAR CHANNEL OWNS/CONTROLS THEM!!!". Let's put that crapola to rest ONCE AND FOR ALL. I picked this up from another board and researched and backed up all four points.
ITEM 1 - CC dumped ALL their holdings in XM in June 2003. This may be verified by examining the 8K reports and 10K reports with the SEC... easy to do online.
ITEM 2 - When CC sold its stock, XM removed both Mays brothers from the board of directors. Once again, read the SEC filings from 2003.
ITEM 3 - Clear Channel has never had any influence on XM's in-house programming. When the T1 was unpluged from the channels they used to provide, that ended their involvement with the channel. The channels belong to XM - they call the shots. As the brochures say, it's 100% original XM Music Programming.
ITEM 4 - XM ran terrestrial feeds from CCU stations for less than a year (Lite-FM New York, Mix 96.5 Houston, WSIX Nashville, and KIIS Los Angeles) to give them time to get their own programming together. They replaced the feeds when they were ready, plain and simple. (Okay, from what I understand, they dumped KIIS because they screwed Rick Dees, and gave Seacrest a chance until they realized that the show was a giant turd. Prediction: KIIS will soon be erecting billboards all over LA saying "Rick Dees, we're sorry. Come home. Please forgive us." Or they should.)
So you can put all the Clear Channel conspiracy theories to rest. If Clear Channel is screwing up local radio, it's because they're screwing it up, and not because they have a dastardly plan to drive listeners to satellite.
And if you've made the conscious decision to not patronize Clear Channel businesses, you can safely keep your XM subscription or get one because
they don't own any part of XM. It's all a matter of public record.
and for the last naysayers...
http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1116317/000119312504195532/d10q.htmPage 44 of the 10Q states:
Holdings and we are a party to a long-term distribution agreement with OnStar Corporation, a subsidiary of General Motors that provides for the installation of XM radios in General Motors vehicles, as further described in Note 6 to the condensed consolidated financial statements. In connection with the development of our terrestrial repeater network, we were a party to a contract with Hughes Electronics Corporation. DIRECTV has provided consulting services in connection with the development of our customer care center and billing operations. DIRECTV ceased to be a related party during the three-month period ended March 31, 2004. Holdings and we have arrangements with American Honda relating to the promotion of the XM Service to new car buyers, the use of bandwidth on the XM System and the development of telematics services and technologies. We have an agreement with OnStar to make available use of our bandwidth. Clear Channel Communications provides certain programming services to us. Holdings and we have a sponsorship agreement with Clear Channel Entertainment to advertise our service at Clear Channel Entertainment concerts and venues. Premiere Radio Networks, a subsidiary of Clear Channel Communications, has in the past served as one of our advertising sales representatives. Holdings and we also run advertisements on a spot and network basis on radio stations owned by Clear Channel. In addition, we lease 4 sites for our terrestrial repeaters from Clear Channel Communications. Clear Channel Communications ceased to be a related party during the second quarter of 2004.