This post is to give more insight into CATHOLICS, and how we live and work for Peace and Social Justice.... With these web links, you can find much more information about CATHOLICS, and put aside some of the hate and Catholic-bashing that shows up on DU, recently...the last link is for OPUS DEI, so DUers will put aside their bashing on that Catholic are standing with Catholics at EVERY anti-war protest....
Knowledge is Power....learn, and together at DU, we can help stop the hate..... PEACE
here's the Pope's web site
the Catholic Church has a PERMANENT seat at the United Nations
(afterall, the Vatican is a COUNTRY)...and the purpose is to work for Peace and Social Justice in all UN decisions...
NETWORK, A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby, is a progressive voice within the Catholic community calling for peace and economic justice in our nation and the world. Check out their current boycotts and activism.
Catholic Relief Services...the official International Relief and Development Agency of the U.S. Catholic community....CATHOLICS were on-site to save tsunami victims' lives BEFORE bush* came out to speak of the disaster....{35F87059-0B10-4B34-8D39-6DAD234D81EA}/fair_trade.jpg{35F87059-0B10-4B34-8D39-6DAD234D81EA}/clb_banner120x60.jpg
Caritas Internationalis is a confederation of 162 Catholic relief, development and social service organisations working to build a better world, especially for the poor and oppressed, in over 200 countries and territories. Caritas works without regard to creed, race, gender, or ethnicity, and is one of the world’s largest humanitarian networks.
Caritas provides a beacon of hope for tens of millions of women, men and children in times of hardship and contributes to the development of social justice in times of peace. Caritas’ mandate includes integral development, emergency relief, advocacy, peace building, respect for human rights and support for proper stewardship of the planet’s environment and resources.
The Caritas approach is based on the social teaching of the Church, which focuses on the dignity of the human person. Caritas’ work on behalf of the poor manifests God’s love for all of creation.
Social Development and World Peace....from the U.S. Catholic Bishops Snapshot of the Catholic Church in America
The Catholic Church in 2003
63.4 million Catholics (23% of the U.S. population)
19,081 parishes (44 new parishes in 2002)
43,634 priests / 5,499 brothers / 73,316 sisters
585 Catholic hospitals treated 83.9 million patients in 2002
7,142 elementary schools and 1,374 high schools, with over 2.6 million students enrolled
230 Catholic colleges and universities with a total of 720,000 studentsMeeting REAL NEEDS in YOUR Neighborhood.... out where YOUR local Catholic Church is located...Catholic Churches welcome EVERYONE to their services and social events...
The Catholic Worker Movement. These are the brave patriotic Catholic people arrested outside the White House last week. Sometimes called 'Dorothy Day Catholics'.

arrests...and shoving the oldest to the ground...
An inspirational essay of a Catholic Priest who STANDS UP to the United States Military at his front door...
a few of the Catholic news services
Opus Dei began its apostolic activities in the United States in Chicago in 1949, when Sal Ferigle, a young physics graduate student, and Fr. Joseph Muzquiz, one of the first priests to be ordained for Opus Dei in 1944, arrived in Chicago. The first center was established near the University of Chicago.
Today there are 3,000 faithful of the Prelature in the United States. There are 60 centers in or near 19 cities: Boston; Chicago; Dallas; Delray Beach, Florida; Houston; Los Angeles; Miami; Milwaukee; New York; Pittsburgh; Princeton, New Jersey; Providence; St. Louis; San Antonio; San Francisco; South Bend, Indiana; South Orange, New Jersey; Urbana, Illinois; and Washington, D.C.
The Prelature of Opus Dei uses seven conference centers for retreats and seminars. They are located near Boston, Chicago, Houston, Miami, New York, San Francisco and Washington, D.C.
The faithful of the Prelature have been involved in educational activities, many that assist the underprivileged. Supplementary educational programs at Midtown and Metro Centers have helped thousands of African-American and Hispanic youth in inner-city Chicago.
Around 95 percent of the students at Midtown and Metro graduate from high school, and 60 percent go on to college (as compared to 12 percent of their peers not in the program). Similar programs exist in the South Bronx section of New York, St. Louis and Washington, D.C.