Edited on Sat Jan-08-05 12:22 PM by KlatooBNikto
The cases of Armstrong Williams and Alberto Gonzalez reminds me of nothing so much as the bygone days of the Soviet Union.Those days were when the ordinary citizens were expected to extol the virtues of Marxism-Leninism,while waiting in long lines for scarce food, clothing and shelter while the Communist Czars lived in capitalist splendor.Those were also the days when the Press was characterized by near unanimity of thought and a dreary recital of "facts" about the overfulfilment of quotas by the agricultural and industrial communes in between denunciations of the capitalist warmongers.
Now the roles appear to be reversed.The Republican Commissars praise the rewards for risk taking and enterprise for the masses of ordinary Americans while they enrich themselves on sure bets of "cost plus" contracts by the likes of Halliburton, Bechtel, Titan and CACI.They do this while exporting our jobs to low cost countries such as India and China leaving us with jobs as Wal Mart greeters and McDonald's fast food wrappers.They now have paid shills like Armstrong Williams and God knows who else telling us tall tales of the virtues of education, hard work and ethical and religious behavior.The near unanimity of views of the pundit class should send a red flag to all of us that we are listening to the paid voices of the ruling classes.
It is amazing how we have turned into a mirror image of the very enemies we used to detest from the past.