(CNSNews.com) - The establishment media have so far done a pretty good job of reporting on the humanitarian efforts of the American military in response to the disaster caused by the Asian tsunami. But as Cybercast News Service Executive Editor Scott Hogenson notes, it's too bad the liberal media haven't provided the same coverage of the on-going humanitarian efforts of our troops in Iraq.
NO, it is NOT satire.
They really mean just that.
CNSNews.com Executive Editor
January 07, 2005
American humanitarian efforts in Iraq have been Herculean, yet have been barely touched on by the establishment media, which prefers instead to focus on rare foibles by individual soldiers, death tolls and perceived policy failures.
This disparity of news coverage suggests the political agenda of the liberal media in America. The humanitarian aspects of our military in response to a random geological disaster are favorably noted, but similar efforts over a far longer period of time in conjunction with a war against tyranny and terror are virtually ignored.
What the media are trying to do, in essence, is define for us what is and is not an appropriate use of American military force. When we see images of our troops doing good in the world, Americans largely support that effort, which is likely one element driving the positive news coverage regarding the tsunami relief effort.
It's just as likely an element driving the virtual absence of reporting on the good works of our troops in Iraq. The media are reluctant to report on these efforts knowing that doing so would likely increase support for the ongoing war there.