God First Why do children have to die? by Micheal Novak - NRO
January 05, 2005, 7:12 a.m.
What are we to say about a human condition in which "Nature red in tooth and claw" rears up on its massive hindquarters, and hurls a 30-foot wall of water against the lowlands of eleven of the poorest and most populous nations on earth, including some playgrounds of the rich of Europe and America, and crushes, chokes, and twists away the lives of going past 150,000 human beings?
"Nature" is not the way the Greens picture it. Nature batters human beings. Nature has annihilated tens of thousands of other species, why not the human species?
Most of the public voices in our enlightened age have gotten away with the indefensible drivel of liberal sentimentalism, chattering as if all intelligent people are atheists, whose god is a benevolent, nurturing, sheltering Mother Nature. Recently, I was debating on radio a Dutch member of the European parliament, who described herself on air as "an atheist who has values." She then described her values as "caring about this Earth and protecting it, and passing it on to my children."
I respect and admire her choice. At that moment, though, she was probably not thinking about this murderous tsunami and other natural furies, such as the raging seas that would overpower Holland if the extensive, huge dikes did not prevent it. Nor about diseases that for millennia kept the primitive human population on earth pitifully low.
How cruel a habitat is Earth!
I am still trying to figure out WTF Nofacts is trying to say here .... Atheists do not claim nature is a caring, nuturing character .... Nature can be brutal to animals .... Who the FUCK said otherwise ? ... Nature's awful consequences are what 'liberals' are trying their damnedest to help citizens alleviate ...
'Liberals' want to house the homeless to protect them from exposure ...
'Liberals' want to clothe the naked to protect them from freezing ...
'Liberals' want to help feed the hungry, who by no fault of their own suffer from nature's vagaries and foibles in droughts and famines .....
Nofacts is full of his own hateful shit ....
As a 'liberal', I am proud to recognize man's role in helping his fellow man stave off nature's harm ....