I've have always voted democratic since my first election. I never had to think about it, never felt compelled to ponder the alternatives. Why? Was it because dogma-spouting parents, bent on shaping my beliefs, indoctrinated me? No. Our home was essentially apolitical. We never discussed politics, or ideology for that matter. Granted, my political leanings weren’t formed in a vacuum, the cultural environment in which I grew up certainly influenced my values and worldview, but I wasn’t instructed. No one ever told me “Democrats are right and Republicans are wrong”.
I think the reason I’ve always voted democratic, aside from being more aligned with their platform, was because it felt genuine. I sensed they really believed in “for the people, by the people”. Sure, sometimes they advanced ideas that I didn’t necessarily agree with, but in the true, transparent, spirit of democracy, they put it out on the table and let the people decide. This is not to say to say the democrats were incorruptible and didn’t have their share of back room deals, dirty tricks, and scandals. It’s just that at its foundation the party was about empowering people through the democratic process.
The republicans on the other hand, seem to be more about imposing their predetermined agenda on the electorate, by hook or crook. It always felt manipulative; the coded speak, the memes, the hot buttons, the legions of demagogues… Always more about directing your decision than letting you make one. I must have inherited my mom’s defiant streak; I hate anyone telling me what to think or how to feel, and I’m instantly suspicious of anyone who tries. Ideology aside, the republicans never had a chance with me.
That was then… This is now.
Sadly, the Democratic Party has so lost its way that it no longer feels genuine, transparent, or true. While reforming the party from the inside is a valid notion, I don’t believe the party can ever function as was intended in the current political system. I believe real reform can only come from outside. Like many I will continue to support true democratic candidates where they’re found, but in an effort to send a wake up call to the party, I’m changing affiliation to Independent.