Edited on Sun Sep-07-03 02:36 PM by TruthIsAll
piece of garbage he is. Watching the Democratic debate at the Univ. of New Mexico, I'm convinced we cannot lose. They speak clearly, they are smart. I don't care about their individual agendas. They are golden compared to the mush that is Bush. Too bad Al Sharpton couldn't make it.
In the past, I have railed against Gephart, Kerry, Lieberman as they have each pissed me off for one thing or another. And at DU the infighting has been vicious between their proponents.
I would prefer Al Gore. But today, I have come to a single, simple conclusion: From this day forward, we must resolve that our only real enemy is Bush and his PNACers and Diebolders.
We must work as a team, even as we support our favorite candidate, to elect a Democrat, any Democrat.
Anything else is all Bushit.