Why is there more coverage of the Brad Pitt/Jennifer Aniston split than there was of the challenge of Ohio's electoral votes? Or anything else about this election being dirty?
I know quite a few others here have voiced concern and disdain about this. It just really pissed me off surf the net last night and see so many postings about Brad and Jen and barely a thing about Ohio, electoral votes, etc. Except of course HERE on DU.
I could care less about Brad and Jen. I am sorry that they are weathering rough times--but ultimately whatever is going on with them doesn't affect ANY of US or the greater populace.
When is the media going to pull their head out of their collective ass and start reporting on some issues that actually concern the greater good? As far as I'm concerned, they are nothing more than glorified, gossip columnists and I'm sick of the whole lot of them!