When the Bush administration enacts and carries-out protest intimidation tactics again, it won't surprise me. Some of you guys have been posting about being afraid to protest. Don't be, stay strong together.
Remember... All gov'ts. have used them before. Activists MUST stay unified and courageous when engaging in passive, non-violent protest here or anywhere. We won't let the "DARK SIDE" continue to have it's way, no matter what the cost.
I remember the 1970 Kent State massacre (I wasn't physically there, but my recollections still run red), and NOT EVEN THAT kept us from standing up for our rights.
Yes, we may have to 'take cover' here and there, and some of us may get hurt, but what we're fighting for matters more - our freedom from oppression and our freedom to demand change. It's not too late to be heard. It's not too late to stop the 'machine.'
http://www.gasolineboycottday.org Hope to see you on Jan. 20!!!
***An excellent reply on this subject from another post***
Yes, I noticed this in some of my posts too. The thought of good Americans being battered by our government's police makes me sick. Sick, sick, sick!
They used the Miami counter-protest initiative in Florida during the WTO conference not too long ago. People from all over the country drove to Miami to protest and boycott. Jeb and the state spent 7 or 8 million taxpayer dollars to set up the law enforcement. They claim it worked, but it didn't. Some of the police are being sued as we speak. There was even one person who died. He wasn't EVEN a protester, just an innocent bystander. Many of the injuries inflicted by the police were to innocent bystanders.
During that most recent crisis, the gov't showed its ugly, ugly face. And the brutality of it all is what's so disappointing because it's so "un-American" to do such things. Believe me, my outrage about it lingers on. I will continue to strive for change in the status quo here in my native land. Let these fascists mow me down, arrest me, I don't care anymore. This situation is out of hand. The way I see it... if something happens, I know I went down trying... fighting for what I believe in and know is right and just... That's my obligation/duty to my country and I will do EVERYTHING within my power to see it through.
http://www.gasolineboycottday.org Hope to see you on Jan. 20!!!