Edited on Sun Jan-09-05 04:18 AM by fnottr
I've been reading up on the whole ideas of framing issues and how language shapes perceptions, and I realized something about the abortion debate. The anti-abortion crowd call themselves 'pro-life' from which it follows that if you don't agree with them you are 'anti-life', a term I've even seen used a few times. We call ourselves 'pro-choice' and call them 'anti-choice.
Well, it occurs to me that someone can be 'anti-choice' about a whole bunch of issues and not come off sounding like some sort of lunatic. For example, someone could be 'anti-choice' when it comes to drugs, that is, they don't believe people have to right to choose to do drugs. While I might disagree with this stance, it's still rational and reasonable viewpoint.
The opposite cannot be said about their term. I can't think of a single situation where someone could claim to be 'anti-life' and not come off sounding like a psychopath. 'Life' is just a much stronger rhetorical term than 'choice'.
Now, my idea is, why don't we start calling ourselves 'pro-woman' certainly it's no more inflammatory then them calling themselves 'pro-life'. I would argue that it's less inflammatory because we really are pro-woman, where they are certainly NOT pro-life when it comes to certain things (the war, the death penalty, etc). This would force them into the position of having to show that they are not actually anti-woman, whereas right now they don't have to argue that they aren't 'anti-choice' because it's not a strong enough term to have to fight against.
Let me give a short example:
If you went up to a fundie who was picketing planned parenthood and asked them, "So, are you telling me you're anti-choice?", they'd probably say, "You're damn right I'm anti-choice!" and that would be that. Whereas if the Fundie asks one of us, "So are you saying you're anti-life?" it forces us into a little song and dance routine about how we're not actually anti-life, but were really for the rights of the woman, etc. Now, if we adopt the term 'pro-woman' and ask them, "So are you anti-woman?" then they have to do the song and dance.