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Just received some wacko religious spam. Dangerous and scary!

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Emillereid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-09-05 08:42 PM
Original message
Just received some wacko religious spam. Dangerous and scary!
The following is an email I just received and I thought I'd share it in all its craziness before I put the sender on my blocked list. It takes a swipe at everything from so-called witchcraft in Manhattan to Kofi Annan to Michael Moore. Complete psychotic ravings. Its pitch seems to be to encourage a high speed internet ministry or something. Enjoy!

Subject: New Wine
Date: January 9, 2005 12:54:21 PM PST

New Wine / Old Wine Skin.

Do you remember Jesus teaching?

Each generation is responsible for bringing forth the next or current level of revelation for that generation.

God expects each new generation to build upon the last generations foundation and not simply stay with status quo or what is comfortable or "acceptable" but to take it to the next "level".

Even if old wine skin cannot receive new wine.


Remember the manna in Moses day was only good for One day.
Each day needed a Fresh word from God.

Remember man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.
(that is daily revelation or the "fresh" manna from God!)

This is how the kingdom of God is built. Line upon line...

The "key" to the kingdom is to discern the times we are in and what the Spirit of God is actually teaching today and my friends,
it is not the "prosperity message" or the "rapture" message that is still flooding the world wide air waves in the name of jesus.

In fact, some believe that a revelation taught after it's time,
such as the "prosperity message",
sown into Africa by western evangelists over the last 25 years,
is at least in part responsible for many of the scams we have been seeing coming from Africa targeting American Christians for the last 6 years.

Others may not agree.

Where the prosperity message had it's season,
the key is to "Move with the Fire of God" to the next thing God is doing/saying.

You see it is true that what we sow into people is what we will reap in the future!
Which is the point of
Hollywood being the spirit of the media industry that influences people/governments and not simply a physical location.


Unfortunately many are made disciples of older moves of God,
long after God has moved on to the next level.

These younger disciples of man,
were taught to simply copy yesterdays big names by having a bigger gold watch, bigger car, bigger church, more expensive suits and a better rhyme to their preach! No offense intended, "Praise God, Hallelujah, Brother!"


The actual job of a true "Prophetic" ministry is to be the "point man" or to lead the way to the "fresh" revelation or manna of what God is saying today,
which will equip and lead us to victory every time!

Multiplying these talents or communicating these revelations is the key to victory first in the believers life and also into the nation.


How are these talents delivered?


Ministries over the past 25 years have spent hundreds of millions of dollars,
advancing the Kingdom, through slow costly procedures such as
duplicating tapes in several different formats,
cassette, CD, VHS, DVD, books etc. and shipping etc.

Now add to that the hundreds of millions of dollars spent monthly for Television/radio air time!
(note: Television/Radio format is mainly evangelical and not revelation-al)

The current process is very slow and costly getting the latest revelations to the partners and the time lag between when the word is given and when the partners see it sometimes can be years!

Not to mention three year old re-runs partners mistake for up to date prayer targets!

Many times "Fresh" manna (revelation) is a bit moldy by the time it is delivered because of these extremely slow and costly communication formats.

Therefore the body of Christ is usually quite far behind the current revelations and the times and therefore can be quite ineffective in affecting this current generation.

God however, expects us to know about a fire before it begins and how to stop it,
instead of notifying people about the fire after it has completely destroyed lives and property which is the current mode of the modern church.

This is why the ministry of the prophet is so vital in todays world and why God commanded into existence!


The Times is changing folks...



In a fast, forward moving progressive "new wine" ministry such as D.P.M. and "Team Mission Hollywood",
a very rapid response team,
which is able to move into "key" media areas (Hollywood/Manhattan NY) and establish a spiritual foothold quickly,
by first plowing into the demonic strong holds and then establishing and holding a way of entrance for the body of Christ into the hardest regions,
it is vital to get partners the "Fresh" manna as soon as possible!

This plowing and then "shielding", as well as current up to date prayer targeting is what God is saying will make a difference in todays world.

Please refer to the many testimonies our team has logged, healing the people and and protecting nations.

Today, more than any other time in history,
it is essential to deliver the revelations and prayer targets as soon as possible to the partners,
while being efficient.

The very best most cost effective method is to use the internet,
thus cutting waste and maximizing finances allowing forward thrusts into territories!

(In previous generations: The body of Christ lost far too many battles, that God had intended us to win. This must stop now!)

Prophetic intercession teams,
such as D.P.M. need to focus the Son's of God on releasing the anointing of God on the objectives of God.

When you, as a partner, upgrade your computer to a Hi-speed internet connection and donate on line with your bank or credit card,
you cause 95% of your support to go toward the actual territorial objectives,
greatly freeing up the DPM intercessor team to "hit" the targets,
instead of spending thousands of dollars and hours in the offices,
duplicating tapes and shipping them to partners.

Many ministries today spend far too much of the support money you send them, on office work, and to duplicate, reproduce, and ship product to you.

Very little if any is actually spent on "spiritually" plowing into a territory,
breaking witchcraft and "Binding first the strongman" then establishing the presence of God in that region!

Hence the current state of the church and the nation!

We believe leaders should lead by example, and that is why our team actually goes into the region to confront the strong man.
This is also why we get the level of results you may not find in other ministries.

We at D.P.M. believe that plowing into a territory is a job for anointed, seasoned believers,
and that it is also these anointed believers job to bring this level of revelation, protection and authority to the younger believer,
in turn preparing him for the days ahead!

As with a "natural" army,
it is important for each one of the believers to keep their communications technology up to spec in order to have imparted the necessary armament,
targeting and authority to meet todays challenges.

It is our job as a prophet ministry, that God used in Ohio as a "Key" for the outcome of the last election,
to impart this level of revelations/talents in the fastest most cost effective way to as many believers as possible.

We cannot express this point strong enough!

---------- BATTLE BREAK ---------

Even now, sitting in Manhattan NY writing this,
the weekend after New Years,
the battle is fear-se.

Most of the top christian TV evangelists I know,
would have called a paramedic or ran home to bed at this point!

As I finished a meeting only moments ago,
with two other pastors and their wives about our establishing a church of spiritual warfare to break the witchcraft that has severely taken over Manhattan NY, and take back this island for the Glory of God,
the local controlling princes became aware of our presence and God's plans to establish a church/presence of God,
therefore they began to target us (don't you just love a good fight and kicking the devils butt?),
there has been a non-stop assault,
up until a few moments ago.

As I am writing this,
wave after wave of attack by the ruling witchcraft over this region,
but thanks to the levels of gifting & revelations of God,
as well as past regional battle experience throughout the Hollywood territory,
these assaults are being subdued as we stop writing at each onslaught and engage each battle one wave at a time with a "fresh" revelation how to break each type of attack.

This is known as "Creative" spiritual warfare or creating the weapon or scenario necessary to break the current strategy/attack of the enemy.


Even now,
one of major strong men (over the secret government meeting) was just notified of our presence here and enlisted to come in and assault us,
but because of the level of authority being taught at and of God's anointing for intercession,
it too, is being confused.

Go to for a play by play and the inventive creative intercession that stopped the strongman over Manhattan NY during the New Years Eve celebration in Time Square 'exposing the gunman' & broke the spiritual control over the UN -USA secret meeting (see below).


Is it possible that the extra demonic intrusion and God's prophets sent in to confront it,
was for spiritual control over that secret meeting,
only blocks from our location,
between the U.N. leader and the U.S.A. which is taking place as we speak!

Naw.. probably just another coincidence, again.


Subject: Kofi meets in Secret in Manhattan

By Warren Hoge The New York Times
Monday, January 3, 2005

UNITED NATIONS, New York The crisis meeting of veteran foreign policy experts in a Manhattan apartment on Sunday was held in agreed-upon secrecy.

The secret gathering came at the end of a year that Annan has described as the organization's "annus horribilis," a year in which the United Nations faced charges of corruption in the way it ran the oil-for-food program in Iraq, evidence that blue-helmeted peacekeepers in Congo ran prostitution rings and raped women and teenage girls and formal motions of no confidence in the organization's senior management from staff unions.

(NOTE: We met this UN leader over six months ago at the World Affairs Counsel in Beverly Hills. There is a major principality working through him. Hmm-.. just look at the fruit above. Question: what do you think would happen if the U.N. and a man like this took over the world government?)



Within the last 60 minutes, everything from heart attack symptoms to horrible flu viruses,
lung problems to death to loosing the feeling from the right elbow down, to fear, panic attack etc.,
all within the ruling Princes currently over Manhattan New York's arsenal of assault weapons,
have been pounding our physical presence here.

This non-stop assault was met challenged and defeated wave after wave and was completely unsuccessful, against this Son of God's revelation and anointing and position here,
we are advancing and holding our position and standing strong bringing in the authority of God here!

This is one of the reasons we are sent in ahead of the rest.
To confront demonic, conquer plow out and tear down these strongholds and make a way of entry for the presence of God over the region.

Just like Jeremiah the prophet.

This is the actual work of the true Apostle/Prophet which some how we have lost in today's endless religious "retreats" and teachings.


Too bad our armed forces don't have salaries for God's prophets,
Instead it is up to those who know God and understand God's ways to support what God is doing through His prophets.

Cost of this eight day mission was under $3,000.

The Prophets Success rate from being obedient to God = 100%
The Prophets approval rating among the religious who teach the bible = 15%
The Prophets approval rating among those who understand the Bible and the Prophets ministry = 99.9%

For greater success and more victories in our world,
support our boys (Prophets) in the front lines,
that they might have the funding to enter into these hard territories,
and do the work God calls them to do,

go to


Without the level of revelation,
of how to overcome these princes and their attacks,
being imparted quickly into the believers,
the Body of Christ,
cannot and HAVE NOT conquered "key" demonic strong holds over media & governmental cities which program our worlds mind set!

This has NOT been the focus of previous christian generations,
as it is the "new wine" and the "old" wine skin cannot contain it!


Our current world problems!


Teaching this level of intercession to the body of Christ so we can conquer even the hardest territories,
is NOT the focus on christian TV/Radio.

In fact superior spiritual authority and weaponry is the ENTIRE POINT OF the television programs that are available at

and what's even better?

You, your loved ones, your intercessor groups, yes and even your church anywhere in the world can stream these television revelations realtime over your computer or onto your big screen television right this very moment via the world wide web!

Gain dominion over sickness, poverty etc.,
Set up walls of spiritual authority and stop car accidents, shut down illegal activity in your region.
Cause hidden terrorist cells to be exposed to the authorities!
Learn how to truly "rule and reign" with Christ Jesus!

Go to, where the power of God is taught,
see these testimonies and learn how to Win, Win, Win :-) every time ! ! !


What is the point of this technical news report?


This level of intercession must be communicated quickly and rapidly to the body of Christ.

Where the current "rapture" fear based,
fund raising approach is a proven motivational tool for salvation's and to induce the giving of millions of dollars necessary for christian ministries to stay on the air,
it is not "building the warrior" to confront, conquer, overcome and occupy until Jesus comes.
Which is what the bible really teaches.

You would think the fruit of the "escapism" theology should have become obvious to all after Y2K.

It is true many did stop watching the christian media machine and began listening to God and true prophets at that point.


A Quick word about TRUE unity in the SPIRIT:

Many think unity is to not speak against others that make their living off the religious system and the business of jesus christ.

Perhaps it would be more accurate to say,
the only unity you want is with what God is really saying and doing in this hour,
else you could be "LEFT BEHIND" what the Holy Spirit was really doing,
while the religious continue to focus on selling books.

You see, today, like Jesus day, too many men have become "professional" religious businesses, having no clue what the "Spirit" of God is actually saying or doing in this hour but instead seek to gain a position of authority by sticking to the popular, politically correct acceptable "Doctrine" of men and the current religious system, instead of the leading of the Holy Spirit.

DONOT align yourself with the business machine of jesus christ but instead with that which God is actually saying/doing and then you will have unity GOD STYLE with HIM and with HIS body.

Make no mistake, if God is NOT doing/saying it, regardless of how many professional ministries are doing/saying it, you still want no part of it!


God, is not teaching escapism or how to motivate christians to buy your book on the rapture,
no God has always taught "occupational" theology. "Occupy until I come!"

Where many ministries have taught a small level of spiritual authority, chaff and "fear" have grown up with the wheat!

Ask yourself:
Has the fruit of studying all 57 varieties of the various rapture doctrines,
and waiting to be raptured,
put a warriors heart into me,
causing me to "Go into the Darkness" as Jesus told me,
or has it imparted the same spirit that the rest of the people in my church are of,
throw another "RETREAT" and hide in the church putting on plays and christian entertainment,
until the world gets so bad, we see NAZI germany repeated only this time against the christians?

What a glorious rapture Hitler had with the Jews eh?

With little or no communication equipment, we find many, untrained, isolated, alone and out numbered.

We see far too many Christians take way too many unnecessary hits in every region.


What is the answer?
The Internet.

You see,
the most expedient and cost effective way to communicate the REVELATIONS OF JESUS CHRIST and the authority He actually died to give us believers who plan to "occupy" the planet until He (Jesus) comes, is the World Wide Web!


Not only can you view television quality training, you can also join realtime, the virtual church meetings in Manhattan NY and Santa Monica CA right from the comfort of your own home.

Leave the religious ranks of passively waiting for darkness to increase it's authority and instead join us as we take back these media cities with the anointing and leading of God for the Glory of God in this day!

Watch the News reports out of Manhattan NY, "Crime and murders hit all time low during 2004".
When did our team begin coming into Manhattan NY and begin to deal with the spirit of death?
Beginning of 2004. Another coincidence?


Stay tuned to and you will continue,
as other partners have watched even more wondrous things than these,
unfold right before your eyes.


Daniel said: knowledge would increase, many would run to and fro (because of the confusion created by those who have made Jesus a business) but those who KNOW GOD will continue to do GREAT EXPLOITS!


An investment in your computer FIRST will save our ministry and hundreds of ministries across the nation billions of dollars over the next ten years.

Yes folks we are going to be here long after the rapture teachers have died/raptured to be with Jesus and there is plenty of work to do to prepare for Jesus return and the demonic spiritual battles that lay ahead for every believer.


WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THE NEW MAC with OSX for anybody that can afford them.
Too many reasons why to list here.


Have a relative that is not computer literate and want to get them up to speed for next to nothing?
Check out these websites

Internet on Your TV
PC Mag Editors' Choice - digital
media and Web on your TV


Note: Make sure these players will play Quicktime MP4 video files on your Television before purchasing.


DO NOT make the same mistake the last generation did by listening to those who preached "TV is of the devil" or "computers and the internet is of the devil" and then pull back and give that communication tool to the devil by our lack of presence or skill or slow dial up connection to it!

The DEVIL creates nothing!

He simply robs that which God brings forth if we,
become "bewitched" by the "spirit" of religion and "escapism" theology,
instead of the "occupational" theology taught in the Bible!


In order to compete and make a difference in todays MTV, multimedia, iPod, mp3 download culture,
again we say,
it is Vital that all those partners who wish to impact todays media generation that influences the world,
are functioning with todays technology.

Folks if you intend on being an influence to todays generation,
we need you to be up to speed with todays technology.

By getting DSL / Cable or Satellite Hi-Speed internet access.

Please understand it is wasteful and time consuming for ministries to continue to support dead information formats such as, cassettes, CD's, VHS, and even DVD's now that you can watch in "real time", broadcast television streamed right to your computer.
You can then burn a DVD/CD of these messages on your home/office computer to share with others.

Do what many of our partners are doing around the world.
Hook up a big screen TV to your computer and have your prayer group join us as we broadcast live from Manhattan NY and Santa Monica California via the world wide web also known as the internet!

If you need help setting up your computer to watch please call us @ 818-994-4007

Join our interactive world church! Talk about a prayer meeting!

Folks, it's no joke, we are taking back the air waves by first joining the body in key regions together via modern communications and changing the territorial influences over these key regions that continues to affect the world!


THE OLD WAY is time consuming and expensive,
wasting a great majority of finances,
taking months if not years to get you the information,
how else do you think Senator Kennedy passed the "anti-sodomy" discrimination bill?


Philadelphia charges Christians with hate crimes.

Bill O'Reilly reported on the situation on Fox News Channel.



1) Established Christian Media "Closed" loop policy/religion/vision = it is not our responsibility to protect territories or awaken sleeping christians on what could potentially be the down fall of the church or how to stop it. That is not our job. Our job is ONLY salvation's. We are of the mind set to allow destruction to hit and use it as a fear motivator for salvation. Besides if we raised up that mighty spiritual army, the bible speaks of, that could stop destruction, how would we justify the great "rapture" con?

2) Millions of Christians not having computers or internet access, living in the past waiting and believing the "rapture" con.

Both of these problems cause enough of a delay that legislatures are able to move rapidly stripping us of our Christian heritage long before the outdated "word of mouth" communications, depended upon by many in the body of Christ, ever knew what hit them,

again effectively putting the church light years behind even learning what we already lost,
yet alone even coming close to protecting what our fore fathers died to give us!

as it was so aptly put in the bible,

"This is for a lament and a great lament!"


Do you think Senator Kennedy and ALL those attorneys don't use hi-speed internet and it's conferencing abilities for rapid and strategic planning?
What about the ACLU?

1) Remember sounded the alarm regarding Michael Moore's anti-Christ film 9-11 over one and a half years before it came forth.

2) Remember told you the election would be decided in Ohio over one year before the election.
Thanks for all the help Benny... not

3) Remember gave strategic locations for prayer targeting of the first sodomite networks in the USA over one year before it hit the nation and began to program our society. How many took us seriously?

4) Remember gave you inside information regarding many of the ACLU's plans long in advance to them being executed.

Not enough "spiritual" warriors anointed to rule over the works of the enemy and bring about God's Kingdom,
is the "fruit" of the "rapture" indoctrination that has invaded Christendom 101.

Our small team has been able to stop several advances of the demonic into our media and government but there are simply not enough warriors trained up at this level of authority and there are simply too many targets for the few that are, therefore we still must strategically pick our targets.

Protecting Manhattan NY from the terrorist attacks is a must, as a larger hit there will devastate world economy.

Make no mistake, it will take Christians getting "UP TO SPEED" literally with DSL / Cable / Satellite Hi Speed access to win this cultural war!


Please note:
The first step in banning the bible and putting churches out of business was Kennedy getting the bill passed.
Ok now that obstacle is out of the way. Sit back and watch the law suits begin.

Why wasn't that preached BEFORE it happened?

Too busy raising 60 million for yet another empty church building?
Who started this old focus?

Isn't it ironic..
since many were too busy raising money instead of leading the charge to stop this bill,
they are now the biggest targets for the ACLU law suits because they now have a 60 million dollar asset.

Hmm-.. now the only way for them to protect their ass et is to compromise the word.

Now that is for another lament and a great lament.


PROPHET TV was sounding the alarm for over one year,
but found NO christian Television that was raising up the awareness quick enough to blockade this bill from going into law.


Please partners,
consider getting DSL / Cable / Satellite Hi-Speed internet as this will give you,
the individual warrior,
access to the latest developments and revelations from
Long BEFORE it happens,
instead of after it happens.

This will be necessary to win the current "culture" wars and leave your kids a better inheritance.



When you go to you are receving the Lord's latest revelations within moments of God giving it,
as well as directions how to make a difference today!

You also have viewing access,
in realtime,
to hundreds of hours of revelations and teachings that Jesus has imparted,
thus equipping the saints to move in the same anointing and revelations as the D.P.M. team,
truly making you a partner in conquering and then occupying until He, Jesus comes!


Not sure what you think of this ministry?

Don't base it on an email you don't have time to read, or agree with,
instead with hi-speed internet access simply go to and view the actual teachings "free" and see if your spirit bares witness.

Invite your prayer group or pastor to preview the television programs.

And don't forget,
after you check us out and decide to partner with us,
donate on line using your bank card or credit card,
again saving our ministry time and expense in processing your support.

Donating online and watching real time streaming of broadcast quality revelations is the future and it will give you more "Bang for your Buck" than any other ministry format out there today!

Trust us, look at our success rate!


Folks, the internet is NOT GOING AWAY but is here to stay and will only get faster as fiber optics is now available in some places!


Do you realize how cost effective it is for ministries to simply make broadcast audio/video available on their website,
and for you the individual to simply have DSL or Cable modem and download the programs?

This allows instant downloading of ALL our ministry products without the incredible waste currently implemented by most ministries delivery methods necessary to service partners that do-not have hi-speed internet access!

true prophetic will lead the way of what God is doing.

Thats right folks,
a majority of the money sent in to support the forward movement of the Kingdom of God in most ministries today,
is actually spent in duplicating too many out dated formats and shipping product to the support base of the ministry and NOT the forward advancement of the Kingdom of God into "key" regions, period!

Why else has the kingdom of the devil advanced so?


Stay tuned for the latest testimonies during the New Years celebration in Time Square New York by this prophetic ministry.

Not only did the weather go from the "coldest" day in the history of Manhattan to the warmest day for New years in Time Square after prayer,
actually warmer than Los Angles,

but wait until you hear about the gunman caught on the 12th floor while preparing to shoot at the crowds in Time Square News Years eve,
as a D.P.M. team member stood on this exact place in intercession, again, led by God!

Oh, come on,
warfare, protecting innocent people and serving God is fun when you know what you are doing,
and the fruit?
trust me...

Team Mission Hollywood!

Be sure to watch PROPHET TV World Broadcast.
The virtual church of the prophets!
Watch us as together we affect the world!

Donate on line!
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theresistance Donating Member (595 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-09-05 08:45 PM
Response to Original message
1. Donate to "prophet TV"?
Edited on Sun Jan-09-05 08:45 PM by theresistance
Sounds like the $700 Club...
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theresistance Donating Member (595 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-09-05 11:50 PM
Response to Reply #1
7. Just realised the pun...
Donate to "Profit TV".
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queeg Donating Member (529 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-09-05 08:49 PM
Response to Original message
2. As an Athiest--I too await the rapture
Just so we can get rid of the nut cases like this.
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Emillereid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-09-05 11:45 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. I'm with you -- I'm always saying a prayer that goes like this:
Lord Jesus, I beg you to rapture these crazies before they destroy the whole earth creating signs of your second coming -- just take them away and let the rest of us live in peace!
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Bluebear Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-09-05 08:51 PM
Response to Original message
3. Lawdy, Lawdy are they full of it. n/t
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LudwigVan Donating Member (103 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-09-05 08:51 PM
Response to Original message
4. I read about uh... 3% of it.
And at first it sounded like TBN. But the part about "occupational theology" or something made me think some kind of Dominionism.

I've run into this kind of thinking all the time. "Real Christians" : Earth :: Ancient Israelites : Canaan.
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GreenPartyVoter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-09-05 11:46 PM
Response to Original message
6. Sounds like they need to visit my site *g*
Would Jesus love a liberal? You bet!
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CornField Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 12:14 AM
Response to Original message
8. It's one of two things
1) a complete scam -- just wanting people to donate to a virtually non-existant "Christian" group. They might put up a few streaming videos of sermons or meditations... probably only accessible to "Partners"

2) it's affiliated with my brother's fanatical group. They previously wanted nothing to do with either technology or the Internet. Now, however, they are finding themselves more and more dis-satisfied with the 700 Club, Fall-in-the-well, Robertson, the Bakers, etc. They do not see them as 'active' enough in God's will. That is, my brother and his group believe God is calling them to do his will now... this very moment. He sends them messages of where to go, what to do, who to pick fights with, what businesses to target, etc. Since they cannot afford radio or television stations, they are looking to the Internet as their primary communications tool -- member forums, streaming video, photography, plans, goals, etc.
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Emillereid Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 01:39 AM
Response to Reply #8
10. Get your brother to a psychologist ASAP!
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chefgirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 12:50 AM
Response to Original message
9. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.....
This is always the dead giveaway:

>>>And don't forget,
after you check us out and decide to partner with us,
donate on line using your bank card or credit card,
again saving our ministry time and expense in processing your support.

Donating online and watching real time streaming of broadcast quality revelations is the future and it will give you more "Bang for your Buck" than any other ministry format out there today!

Trust us, look at our success rate!<<<

Riiiiiiight. :eyes:

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DoYouEverWonder Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 05:30 AM
Response to Reply #9
12. You would think they would realize
that the credit card companies are doing the devil's work?

Oh I guess that doesn't matter when it comes to making money.

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Seldona Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jan-10-05 03:50 AM
Response to Original message
11. "God commanded into existence!"
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