in ratings in the general sense.
In the case of F9-11 and Passion, it's individual movies, where you have a huge number of people in this country with a "passionate", (no pun intended) embrace of a movie at their core and an organized front that promotes that movie and things associated with that movie, going against a bunch of traditional movies without any comparable movement in the country associated with it. People who appose the ideas or degree of the ideas represented in the movies do not have one thing to vote for AGAINST it, so they're diluted by every other movie as defaults.
The same thing goes with Faux news. You have a good 40 percent of the cable-watching country who're basically drones sucking on the VRWC's nipple of propaganda who have gotten their fix from radio and Murdoch media for decades and are easily transitioning to this new delivery method of that fix. But people who appose that bullshit have no mirror alternative to support. Not even one that's trustworthy and objective much less a sensationalistic leftwing mouthpeice. So their "default" is split up over all the other newssources and their potential alternative audience is not even watching any cable because they don't want the BS.
I could go on and on about this but I hope I get my general point across. I'm not trying to deminish F911 at all, but you can try and use this analogy the next time some asswipe tries to use Faux winning in the ratings as evidence of it's superiority in America. I personally think Spider-Man 2 was a better film than F9-11 but I think I might have voted for F9-11 anyway because I'm a partisan who wants to make a change and "stick it to" the right anyway I can and people voting like me, and my bizarro voters who are Christian-right assclowns did the same for Passion. Voting with their politics.