1. The Social Security Trust Fund isn't held in worthless IOU's as some Conservative Commentators have claimed. It is held in Government Bonds, the same as are held by individuals and corporations and nations throughout the world. Any economist will tell you that these sorts of bonds are usually an extremely safe investment.
2. Why wouldn't the general fund pay back the debts owed to the trust fund? What kind of global financial consequences would result if the United States just decided to not pay it's bills? Why wouldn't we have the money to pay our bills (hint, the Bush Tax Cuts).
3. Privatization would vastly increase the amount of bureaucracy. Currently less than 1% of the Social Security income is siphoned off to pay to run the program. Most analysts believe the costs of running a private accounts system will require around 15 to 20 percent of the income.
4. In the next 75 years the Social Security Program faces a budgetary shortfall of $3.7 Trillion. In the next 75 years, the Bush Tax cuts, if made permanent, will cost the Treasury $11.6 Trillion.
5. Do the people who claim to want to save Social Security like Social Security? Do they think it is a good program? We get a hint of this from the Wherner Memo of last week in Karl Rove's Deputy stated, "
For the first time in six decades, the Social Security battle is one we can win -- and in doing so, we can help transform the political and philosophical landscape of the country." Six decades ago Conservatives hated Social Security and tried to keep it from being passed. And now they think they can finally win, but they aren't willing to actually debate the issue. They want to pretend to save Social Security while sticking the knife in it's back. OK that was a bad metaphor but you get the point.
I think it's desperately important that we win the debate on Social Security. Social Security has been one Liberal Democratic Program that has been enormously successful, and reasonably popular. If the Republicans can kill it, how much further will they go at transforming America back into the United States of William McKinley? What would be next?
Cribbed a lot of this from Talking Points Memo which has been very very good on this issue (
http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com ).
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