Four More Nightmarish Years
An apparent majority of those who bothered to vote in the U.S. presidential election have graphically demonstrated that they're too stupid to appreciate even their most basic self-interest or that of their children, and that they approve of the useless sacrifice of tens of thousands of Iraqi civilians and thousands of economic-conscript U.S. soldiers on the altar of George W. Bush's megalomaniac, imperial ambitions. (And let's not even get started on their implicit endorsement of further assaults on civil liberties and the perhaps catastrophic — and deliberate — degradation of the environment).
Bush piled up over 50 million votes by appealing to the absolutely worst aspects of the American character: fear, bigotry, an arrogant, preening nationalism, a child-like desire for a "strong" daddy to protect against evil, brown-skinned foreign monsters, and an appalling stupidity that must appear incredible to those living outside this madhouse of a nation. That anyone, let alone a majority of the electorate, would vote for a man who lied in order to involve this country in a brutal, ill-planned war of aggression — and who would all too obviously be, at best, an assistant manager at a Circle K but for his family's wealth and influence — is simply astounding.
All we can say to the slack-jawed, drooling goose-steppers who voted for Bush and the useless snuffing out of tens of thousands of lives is, "enjoy it suckers — especially the loss of your jobs, your declining standard of living, your constant state of fear, and the coming terrorist attacks."
Over two centuries ago Benjamin Franklin said, "They that can give up essential freedom to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." Well, you Bush-worshipping cretins, you've just given up essential freedom while sacrificing your own safety and that of your children. You richly deserve every horror that's coming down the pike (even though your children don't).
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