I got an e-mail forwarded to me by a college friend, and I cannot believe it! I am so sick of gay-bashing crap, and here I get it in my mailbox. She sent me this:
UPDATE: Homosexual Attorneys from Justice Department Advise Philadelphia Police On Arresting Christians One Internet news service says not to expect an investigation because of the involvement of the Justice Department homosexual attorneys
Dear Muriel,
A few days ago I wrote you about the situation in Philadelphia in which four Christians were arrested. They are charged with eight crimes, including three felonies: possession of instruments of crime (a bullhorn), ethnic intimidation (saying that homosexuality is a sin), and inciting a riot (reading from the Bible some passages relating to homosexuality) despite the fact that no riot occurred.
They face a possible 47 years in prison and fines of $90,000 each. Now we have learned more about this horrible travesty of justice.
According to WorldNetDaily, "Homosexual attorneys from the U.S. Justice Department Civil Rights Division not only attended (the) large homosexual event
but they advised police on the scene who arrested 11 Christian protesters, says a source in the agency." (Charges against some of the Christians have been dropped.)
The WorldNetDaily article went on to say the U.S. Justice Department is "not likely to take up the cause of the five criminally charged Christians who believe Philadelphia officials violated their civil rights."
Did you catch that? The Justice Department will refuse to investigate the treatment of the arrested Christians because some homosexual attorneys from the Justice Department were advising the Philadelphia police on how to arrest the Christians!!!!
WorldNetDaily, quoting their source inside the Justice Department, said the Christians were charged with "ethic intimidation (hate crimes) 'at the recommendation of some of our (Department of Justice) attorneys who were at the march.'"
In fact, Chief Inspector Tiano, who serves as liaison to the homosexual community, testified at the preliminary hearing that he met at least four times with the organizers of the Outfest event in anticipation of the protesters' activities, presumably to discuss how to handle the "Christians" when they showed up at the event. He also said he had 40 officers on site that day. He did not meet with any of the Christians!
There appears to be collusion in this travesty of justice that goes to high levels of both the Justice Department and Philadelphia. A trail date will be set soon.
Would you stand with these Christians who are defending our constitutional right of free speech? We are asking you to stand with these four Christians by doing the following actions.
Send the email to the Department of Justice asking for an investigation of this situation. Click here to send your email.
Help us with a financial gift. AFA attorneys from our Center for Law and Policy are representing the Philadelphia 4 at no cost to the Christians. A gift of $15, less than a cup of coffee once a month for a year, will go a long way in helping AFA cover our costs. Click here to make a donation.
One final request. Please forward this to your friends and family. And thanks for caring enough to get involved. Sincerely,
Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman American Family Association
P.S. Please forward this email to family and friends.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's Not Gay: This 28-minute video presents a story that few have heard, allowing former homosexuals the opportunity to tell their own story in their own words. Along with medical and mental health experts, these individuals express a clear warning that the sanitized version of homosexuality being presented to students is not the whole truth.
Spiritual Heritage Tours - Tours of Washington, D.C. and Mount Vernon with an emphasis on America's Christian heritage, led by AFA president Tim Wildmon and AFR general manager Marvin Sanders. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are receiving this mailing because you took action on an AFA-sponsored poll, petition, or action alert. You are subscribed to afapetition as herbaugh@quixnet.net.
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- www.afa.net Copyright 2002-2004 American Family Association PO Drawer 2440 Tupelo, MS 38803 1-662-844-5036 All Rights Reserved I included their contact info because I think we need to do something! God, they're totally sick! This is the e-mail I sent back:
I still haven't had time to properly reply to your wonderful Christmas and New Year's e-mail, but I had a couple of minutes to look over this forward and reply. I think you need to know that I am a political liberal, and I believe in all humans having equal rights. I am extremely uncomfortable with the assumption in that so-called story that the people who were arrested were Christian and that everyone else was not. I am even more uncomfortable with the gay-bashing attitude against the attorneys (apparently, they're gay first (which has not been confirmed, but what the heck--it's a label, and we're going to use it) and attorneys second. I am not suprised at all that this administration does not care about anyone's civil rights, and it's about time that right-wing Christians figure that out.
Frankly, I am suprised that you even would believe it, let alone forward it to your list. Don't you remember the hell that our GLBT friends went through at the Naz? I only had one friend who actually graduated--and that was solely by the grace of God. Everyone else was forced to leave, either by social pressure or by Student Development. Remember YYYYY? They did everything they could to mess him up, and it took him years afterward to even be able to love himself. Wow. That sure was loving our neighbor, wasn't it? People who use our faith to attack our neighbors have obviously misunderstood the Gospels and the point of our Christian faith. Those protestors were screaming hatred at people, but they were arrested only because they're true Christians? That's a load of crap. I seriously doubt our Lord and Savior would've been in their midst, screaming hatred and nastiness at people he died for.
I'm sorry, but I'm not going to just delete this stuff anymore--I want them to actually think about the propaganda and realize that they're being brainwashed. Who's with me?