From, a firearms-focused message board. I think lots of DUers would call them freepers. the Republican Convention continues, we here at AR15.Com/AK47.Net are proud to endorse President Bush.
Kerry's voting past is well known to the firearm community. He's willing to go further than Clinton's administration and take our rights from us without a second thought. He's tried to play himself off as the hunter and outdoorsman, but he is in fact an anti of the worst kind.
As Kerry also continues to proclaim his military experience as a positive, we can only look at the actions he took after the war to show the true nature of this man. By throwing away his medals and accusing our military of committing heinous acts in Vietnam, he disgraced himself and the honor of those he served with. How can such a man act as our commander in chief when he has no respect for what our brave men and women do every day. Kerry is a man without honor, a liar, and a thief in the night who would disarm law abiding Americans.
America does not need to please the world and yet we must help to defend those too weak to protect themselves. George Bush's presidency has had its issues, but Bush is a man of action. When Terror hit our streets, he took the fight to our enemies' soil. America, and the world, is a safer place BECAUSE of President Bush's actions. We MUST continue to fight against terror across the world and never forget what happened on September 11th.
Democrats will claim that we turned our back on the world for vengeance sake, but America does not cater to the will of others when our own people are in peril. We can NOT let other countries dictate what is best for us. This is a time for action as we must continue to help Iraq and Afghanistan form stable and productive governments which represent their people. President Bush will not pull our troops out now and risk future problems in these countries. Kerry would sooner bow to the will of France and tuck tail and run.
America represents freedom and George Bush represents America. Keep Bush in office for another 4 years and let's keep America safe!!!
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Let's dig in to this. I'm going to summarize each paragraph with a sentence.
Kerry, who's not a real hunter, wants to take our guns from us even more than the last Democratic president did. Kerry accused our military men of crimes which put all of us in a bad light. Even though Bush has issues, he's actually fighting to keep us safe at home. The war is on for good reasons, we are good people doing good things, and we need to stick it out to the end. George Bush is a good man.
I think these are important things to consider when talking to working-class Republicans. These people want to feel good about their military service and their way of life. If we talk to them as though they are backwards or stupid or something, we're going to end up pissing them off. It's true that they may not read the same news that the average DUer reads, but how would you like to read news that made you feel like an asshole? How many of you like to listen to Amy Goodman interview Chomsky while driving to the mall for Christmas presents? I feel 2" tall every time I hear that guy speak.
If you really want to grow the Democratic party, you've got to find a way to make these people your friends instead of your enemies. These are the people with whom you have to find common ground. Without these people, the Dems will lose again in 06, and another resounding defeat in 08. Does this mean the Democratic party has to move to the right? I don't think so. Does this mean the Dems have to sell out to corporate power interests? I don't think so. All we have to do is find common issue with the people, and find something we can agree on.
What do they want. They want to wear Tshirts that say Jesus on them. So what? They want to pray in public school. I know, that's kind of a sticky point here. They want to shoot up old cars with their assault weapons out in the desert. So what? Why should anyone care about that? They want to feel good about their legacy of military service. Why not let them feel good about it? I'm absolutely positive that there are good things that our military has done. Also, imagine pushing a platform on which we invest in the veterans. When these guys get back home as it is now, they're shuffled off to (my impression is) substandard medical care that gets cut off as soon as possible to save money, cuts in pay and pensions, poor living conditions, no training to reenter civilian life, etc. How about making sure the veterans have a lot of options when they get back to the US? How about taking care of veterans as a central plank in the Democratic party platform? They want to support the troops? We can see that and raise. What else do they want that we can cooperate on?
I think the DU people should check out what it is that working class Republicans want and try to find a way to be accomodating to them.