Got this email from MoveOn today. __________________________________________
Dear MoveOn member,
Thanks to help from MoveOn members and many others, Christine Gregoire has finally won the Washington governor's race, fair and square. But, her Republican opponent refuses to give up, bent on overturning the election. Dino Rossi has no constitutional leg to stand on but he is continuing to try to make Gregoire's victory seem illegitimate. Tomorrow, as the state legislature certifies the election as fair and complete, Rossi is holding a rally in Olympia to press his case. The Washington State Democrats are asking your help to attend a counterrally, to urge your legislator to certify the vote, and to write local papers.
Read the State Democrats' alert below, and then read on for a thank-you letter from Governor-Elect Gregoire to MoveOn members for their support in her victory.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Washington State Democrats' Alert:
On Tuesday, January 11th, the legislature is scheduled to certify Chris Gregoire as governor. But Republicans are pulling out all the stops to block this. They have blanketed the state with a media blitz of television, radio and newspaper ads. And they claim they'll have as many as 10,000 supporters at the State Capitol on Tuesday to protest and delay Governor-elect Gregoire's certification.
We need a loud chorus to challenge them. Tell the Republicans it’s time for Rossi to concede, and let the legislature know it’s time to start moving Washington forward.
Here’s how you can help: 1. Come to the Tuesday rally in Olympia. Here are the details: Tuesday, January 11th 10:30 AM State Capitol, Olympia Washington Story Pole on the north side of the Capitol Campus 2. Let your legislator know how you feel, either by calling the Legislative Hotline at 1-800-562-6000 tomorrow morning (before the certification vote). 3. Write letters to your newspapers and email your friends.
Republicans are working to undermine the legitimate results of the most accurate election in Washington’s history. We need your help to stop them.
To RSVP for the rally, or for questions, contact Chris Hayler chrish@wa-democrats.org or (206) 328-2969.
By refusing to concede, Rossi is doing exactly what he has accused Gregoire of doing--ignoring the law and the will of the people. Moreover, while congressional Republicans unfairly attacked Senator Barbara Boxer and her objection to the Ohio presidential vote last week as trying to overthrow the election, their criticisms would be more fairly aimed at their own candidate in Washington.
Thank you very much. Sincerely,
--Adam Ruben MoveOn PAC December 10, 2004
P.S. Here is Christine Gregoire's letter to MoveOn: "Dear MoveOn:
"I am deeply grateful for your generous support of the Democratic Party's efforts to fund a statewide hand count of the governor's race. Your contributions of $250,000 ensured that this process was able to move forward. Your dedication to having every vote counted is allowing the citizens of Washington State to have full confidence in the election results.
"I am proud of the Democratic Party, our friends and supporters. Our insistence that every vote be counted is right. It aims to strengthen our democracy and restore a sense of fairness to the process. Only a hand count will ensure that whoever wins this election will have legitimacy.
"At this time of year, I'm reminded of how fortunate I am to have the friendship and support of so many. My family and I are grateful to you and whish you all the best in the New Year.
"With warm regards,
PAID FOR BY MOVEON PAC www.moveonpac.org Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.