And candidly, I don't think the Democrats are doing much for working-class Republicans. Minimum wage laws, yes. There is that. OTOH, our Big Dog passed NAFTA which absolutely screwed working class Republicans right next to the working class Democrats. I'm not so sure I'd stack up recent Democratic economic packages as a net benefit to any working class people. Hell, we're in the middle of trying to extend NAFTA with CAFTA and any other XXFTA we can come up with to hurt workers and help investors as much as possible.
They want their guns. That's what they want. 80 million of them have guns. You try to take guns from 80 million people, you are simply not going to have a majority. That's 30% of our population.
Maybe I'm finally seeing the light on this. Is gun ownership a right-wing thing? I've never understood this. I always thought the right wing was about authoritarian power structures, ownership in the hands of the few. Keeping RKBA strikes me as being decidedly left-wing. It decentralizes power by putting tools of violence in the hands of the many. Am I nuts? I would think that concentrating power in the hands of a few is a right-wing thing to do. Hmmm. Maybe I'm wrong. Or is it a cultural thing? I'm going to start a new thread about this. I don't think I really understand the question.