Edited on Mon Jan-10-05 11:29 PM by RBHam
Trust me. Her and Victoria Clarke, (CNN corrspondent and Pentagon public affairs head , who used to run Hill & Knowlton's DC office during Gulf War I and was said to have coached the false testimony of the Kuwaiti Ambassador's daughter that helped sell the justification for the War to the public) have a very special relationship......
(I remember way back after Zahn expressed dismay over the Abu Gharib scandal, and Vicky was hustled over to downplay the damage, that Clarke actually winked at Zahn and reminded Eva that "you've had the some military training as well...")
And if you haven't noticed Eva Zahn is also the defacto "official" interviewer of Poppy Bush, for chrissakes. How many times have they run "A Flyboy's Story" - a fawning blow job of an "interview" determined to cast Poppy as the Hero he never was, not the glorified Mafia Thug he really is.
She's such a blatant cheerleader for the Bush Crime Syndicate, if you've been paying attention, that it's ridiculous.
CNN is the Pentagon's most valuable asset. Their very own propaganda Network.