Edited on Mon Jan-10-05 11:29 PM by Liberty Belle
We Wasted The Money The World Now Needs
The spending spree that has consumed the grasshopper Bush Administration in order to award its fat-cat friends our taxpayer earnings is now approaching a winter of disasters. Only morsels remain in the ants’ coffers, not enough to provide the degree of humanitarian assistance needed on a global scale.
We have known for some time that the Sudan is in trouble and hunger is a way of life, but our attentions have been turned toward financing war, depleting our resources, which forbids us helping those in dire need of the basics for survival. This approach, according to the political machine in power, is in keeping with their interpretation of the Ten Commandments.. Now that the tsunami waves have crashed ashore in Indonesia, underscoring a real emergency in the world, we don’t have the money to respond adequately.
Let’s face it. We live in a country that has not attained wealth during the past few years, saving up for a rainy day. Our funds have been squandered. Now when we really need them, they do not exist. The spend, spend, spend, spend mentality that has invaded our federal government is not one of conservatism, although many believe that it is, just because the Bush Administration claims to sleep with the far Religious Right. It is instead bad policy, bad economics, and bad strategy for our future...
— W. Leon Smith