1. In your first point, the Repugs are now claiming that they support States Rights over a strong central Federal government. This is a total flip flop from the original Republican platform. Technically, a Democracy is a government where the citizens vote on every single issue and write the laws. A Republic is a government where the people elect representatives to write the laws and vote for them, on their behalf. Obviously, we are technically a Republic. However, originally the Democrat platform support "States Rights" over a strong Federal government. The Civil War pretty much settled that issue. I'm not sure exactly when it happened, but at some point the Democrats (well, except for the Southern "Dixiecrats") to realize that Civil Democratic Rights was best enforced by a strong central government with standardized laws. Since the Democrats changed their position, well, the Republicans had to change their's.
As far as the "activist judge" charges, that is a new propaganda campaign. Judges intrepret laws based on the law as written and also based on what they can discern was the "intent" of the law. When the Law contradicts Bush's wishes, he incorrectly blames the Judges instead of the Law. Bottom line, Bushco hates the Constitution, is trying to "end run" it.
2. What they actually support is technically called Social Darwinism. One of the basic premises of Social Darwinism is that those who perform the best reap the rewards. This would be fine if we were all born to the same situation and were working on a "level playing field." This is never the case. Social Darwinism also work on the premise that if the parents have the talents and work ethics to be successful, they will pass these talents, wisdom, and ethics to their children. As we know from experience, this seldom happens and the children usually end up spoiled rather than prepared. Can you imagine Paris Hilton running the Hilton chain of hotels?
In fact, because of the abuses that these spoiled brats wielded as a result of their inheritance from their spoiled parents who in turn inherited their wealth and power from their parents (a "Dynasty"), Congress passed the Inheritance Tax. This is the tax that Republicans call the "Death Tax", but it's purpose was as a Dynasty tax: to curb the abuse by spoiled brats who inherited money and power but who didn't have the wisdom to use it properly.
3. Claiming "laissez-faire", they are actually preaching a Caveat Emptor "let the buyer beware" rather than a Caveat Vendor "let the seller beware" system. Considering the advantages that Corporate "Sellers" have, the buyer can be easily screwed and are in more need of protection than the vendor.
However, what they are actually PRACTICING is "Cronyism". Bush actually made his personal millions from cronyism.
So, no - the Republicans actions do not match their rhetoric.