Although I am not a member of the MN Green Party, I do support many of their policies and issues.
Here is an email I got from the MN Green Party and I thought I would share it with everyone.
Greens in Minnesota and around the nation have been debating what to do for the next presidential campaign in 2004. Some Greens have suggested running another presidential campaign, either Ralph Nader again or someone new. Others have recommended we stay out of the race, to present a united front against presumed Republican candidate George W. Bush and to concentrate resources on winnable races. Still others have suggested the Greens run only in 'safe states,' or should run to spread awareness of issues and then stand down before the election.
What should Greens strategy be? Are we a protest vote? A social movement? An independent political movement? What is the most effective way for us to make the world a better place?
If you do have an opinion, donít keep it to yourself! We want the decision to be made as democratically as possible, with everyone sharing their thoughts in a healthy debate. We invite you to send your thoughts to us for publication in our statewide newspaper, the Sunflower. Send your position and argument to greenpartysunflower@yahoo.com, or write to us at:
Green Party of Minnesota 621 W. Lake St., #205 Minneapolis, MN
Articles and essays should be between 200 and 500 words long, and should be written in a professional newspaper style, making a logical argument. A few ranting sentences will not be published.
All e-mails will be assumed to be for publication unless you say otherwise. We will include a balanced variety of perspectives, but reserve the right to reject or edit letters for space. Please also include your home town or neighborhood, and some personal information about yourself ñ your profession, background, how long you have been voting Green, and so on. Finally, please tell us whether you are a member of the Green Party.
If you know of people in your area who are making the world a better place -- setting up solar power, speaking at schools, cleaning up the neighborhood -- write about it and we might publish it.
IMPORTANT: If you have friends who sympathize with or have voted for the Green Party and have opinions about it, send this to them, and have them send their responses to greenpartysunflower@yahoo.com. If this e-mail is unwanted, tell us never to contact you again, and we wonít.
Staff, Sunflower newspaper Green Party of Minnesota
It is nice to see that they realize that this is going to be a tough election and getting rid of Bush is near the top of their minds.