Ask them if George W. Bush is literally God. Of course, they will say "no," although they may add something like, "But he was appointed by God."
When they have admitted that he is a human being, ask them if any human being is perfect. Their own doctrine compels them to say that all people are sinners.
"Therefore he isn't perfect, right? He could do something that is evil, just as any other human being could, right? Even if he's 'saved' he could backslide, right?"
If they have any unwashed brain cells left, they have to admit that.
"Do we have the right to speak up when someone sins?"
Of course, they just live to criticize sinners, so you'll get agreement.
"So why can't we criticize Bush if he's doing something that we believe to be stupid or immoral?"
This will probably bring about babbling and meltdown.
"Isn't it IDOLATRY to follow George W. Bush when you believe that he is violating God's laws?"
Remind them that the prophet Nathan did not hesitate to condemn King David after he arranged to have his lover's husband killed.
At the very least, you'll make their heads explode. :-)