he's been like that for years.
From 2001 KURTZ: Well, joining us now, Joshua Marshall, Washington Editor of The American Prospect and a write for Slate.com, and Chris Caldwell, senior writer for The Weekly Standard.
Josh Marshall, you don't know the extent of damage or vandalism by departing Clinton White House aides, and neither do I. So, in writing in Slate Magazine that the press wildly overplayed this story, it kind of sounds like you're acting as a knee-jerk Clinton defender.
Without knowing the facts, Howard assumes he's guilty. And this:
Like every other political reporter in the country, Kurtz has been paying close attention to the California recall race, with plenty of attention on Arnold Schwarzenegger's campaign.
In fact, in his daily "Media Notes" column, Kurtz mentioned Schwarzenegger five times in five columns last week. Kurtz's work commented on the Schwarzenegger campaign's response to the groping allegations, the alleged praise for Hitler, the endorsements from California newspapers, etc.
All the while, Kurtz was offering analysis on the quality of the Schwarzenegger message. What Kurtz failed to mention is that his wife, Sheri Annis, has been Schwarzenegger's press secretary.
Nuff sed.