We are at war. No, "we" aren't. Some are at war, some die, some live the nightmare of his making, but some get a party!
Kicking back part of the Bush giveaways of our nation's resources, or paying for giveaways expected in the future, those Americans who live without a thought as to the burdens of war can have a huge party to celebrte four more years of Bush. That means four more years of all the burdens falling on the "volunteer" military, future taxpayers, and the rest of America unable to pony up for lobbyists, while the benefits pile up for the rich and corporate America.
Mark Cuban's call to cancel some of the nine fancy balls and send some of the 40 million bucks allocated for the inaugural to tsunami relief is only partly correct. Partly, because the forty million doesn't include the costs of government in providing security. Partly, because we have to give a hard look at spending ANY money for a party and for security for the elites at the party while our soldiers give the ultimate sacrifice in an underfunded war.
In another age, there would be a restraint recognizing that celebrations should be muted, that expenses should be watched, and that actions speak louder than words. But when we need a loudmouth billionaire basketball team owner to tell Bush to show some class--welcome to bizarroworld.