Someone just sent this to me: photos and medical indications suggest that the "bulge" in Bush's jacket during his first debate with John Kerry is actually a "vest based defibulator" called a LifeVest.
My first instinct is that, while it certainly seems a plausible theory, probably isn't the case.
I can only imagine the look of horror on the face of the GOP if, in mid-debate, Bush were to suddenly be jolted by a 20,000 joule defibrillator shock. :)
While the creases in Bush's jacket are still unexplained, the position of some of the LifeVest parts don't match up. The plugs coming out from under the shock pads are not centered, nor are they one thick cable, as suggested by pointing to Bush's backbone (who knew he had one?) protruding though his coat. George has a permanent hunch, if you've noticed, where he is always leaning over. Whenever he gives a speech, he is *always* leaning forward on the podium... often mistaken for wanting to show an "intimacy" with those whom he is speaking... but a definite no-no in the debates. So if it were anything, I suspect it was a back-brace to force him to stand upright and not slouch in contrast to the already very tall Kerry.
It is intriguing to look at the symptoms of a minor-stroke/cardiac victim and apply those to Bush's fumbling and bumbling, but I'm not entirely satisfied that it all began in 2002. He was a moron long before that. :^?
I'd be interested in hearing what others think.