This article describes how the intellectual ghetto of 'conspiracy theory' is used to create an intellectual fence to thinking about topics the government and especially military prefer to stay hidden: (The TV Hive Mind)
This is why Tom Delay can scornfully rage against those Democrats who think electronic voting machines are rigged as the "X-Files Wing of the Democratic party" and have most Republicans never think about election fraud ever again. (Until they lose.)
Here's something about 9/11 that has been hidden in plain sight with a tiny blurb in an Associated Press story from 8/21/02 that makes every 9/11 Ommission Panel member, the White House, and TV talking head complicit in one of the biggest cover-ups...ever. Is this a conspiracy theory? Counter-terrorism expert Richard Clarke mentioned it in one sentence in his book 'Against All Enemies' but without explaining it, a DEAFENING SILENCE!: Excercise Prepares for Multiple Planes Crashed Into Buildings on the Morning of 9/11 While 'Real Thing' Happens!) AP Story is here in the SF Chronicle on 8/21/02)
This tells you something about how the military, government, and press 'conspire' to not tell you what the hell is going on and suggest that people who don't trust them must be crazy as bedbugs and unreliable.
This country has been an experiment in controlling the masses through encouraging some beliefs and discouraging others. All very deliberately and honed all the time to be more effective.
It is a challenge to weed out the difference between 'who shot JFK' and 'what was his astrological chart that day?'(Sorry, astrologers. Even if you accept that the planets can affect our minds and bodies like the moon, there is no way to correlate a cause and effect and this renders astrology useless for anything beyond amusement.)
Study psychology, history, psy-ops, and the CIA. You'll learn things about how you think you'd rather not believe.
And that is the key. Most people believe only what they want to based on their childhood experiences and what everyone else accepts. I'll bet most Americans think this country is a noble democracy, there are free markets, our troops defend our freedom, etc.
100% bullshit believed by most Americans, some of them ready to join the military to defend these fantasies only in their minds.
They do because they were raised on these lies for a very specific purpose that is the same as all social controls-predictability to be exploited.
There is a reason that the military uses psy-ops on other countries and psy-ops are used on us, too.
Aldous Huxley gave a speech at UCBerkeley in 1962 called 'The Final Revolution.' He described how the masses could be either controlled at gunpoint or through their minds by controlling their beliefs with a propaganda matrix of lies so people accept rather than resist their manipulation and control.
This is what TV Nation lives in, something Huxley called 'Scientific Fascism.'