Edited on Tue Jan-11-05 07:04 PM by Aunt Anti-bush
I got this earlier today and freaked when I read it. I forwarded it before I read the rest of the e-mails and found the rest of the story in an e-mail a little later. It's apparently some idiot repub making trouble. Sorry I jumped the gun, there!
There's a lot more to this message than meets the eye.
When I went to respond to this guy, the reply address was bstreisand@bstreisand.com. Ha Ha, very funny. His real address is javm69@iwon.com. iwon.com is one of those bogus nothing-but-link sites, with a slant toward winning prizes, free money, sweepstakes, etc. Don't even do him the favor of checking it out and clicking on it, just in case he makes MONEY, (you know the jesus of the neocons), if you do. So this is some rank and file repug, with no affiliation with verizon, who is already trying to scare us into backing off and submission. Main news on the page is about bush's new homeland security pick.
ALREADY THE THUGS ARE TRYING TO INTIMIDATE "WE THE PEOPLE". WILL WE LET THEM? Write them, call them, e-mail them! This is rediculous! People are being threateded with being fired for exercising their RIGHTS as AMERICANS!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe this garbage:
----- Original Message ----- From: JM To: xxxxxxxxxxxx@verizon.net Sent: Tuesday, January 11, 2005 4:09 PM Subject: Verizon - Black Thursday Work Boycott
Dear Employee:
Word on the grapevine is that employees missing work on Jan 20th 2005 without valid documented excuse can be suspended and or terminated. Word to the wise.
Management of Sanity.