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Do you think they spell out B**h's speeches for him phoenetically?

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bobweaver Donating Member (953 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 08:46 PM
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Do you think they spell out B**h's speeches for him phoenetically?
Edited on Tue Jan-11-05 08:53 PM by bobweaver
Every time I have the unfortunate experience of seeing B**h on television, spewing one of his laundry lists of lies - oops, I mean speeches - it always seems like he is looking down at the page intently and pronouncing it so carefully that it must be written phoenetically so that he won't mispronounce any words.

When he gets to a word of more than 3 syllables, he slows down and wades through the word like he is negotiating a briar patch. I would love to see one of these speeches. Does it seem to you that they must have the speech spelled out phoenetically for him, so that he can't trip over any words?

How is he going to make it through is inauguration speech?
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BlueEyedSon Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 08:47 PM
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1. You mean like ABOO GAR-EFF?
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Pam-Moby Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 08:49 PM
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2. When I see him on the TV
I turn the channel. I will not let him pollute my head...HAHA
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kcass1954 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 09:49 PM
Response to Reply #2
7. My kids won't let me watch him...
all I do is yell at the TV.
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Gman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 08:49 PM
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3. No
They feed it to him through the wireless earpiece.
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Sanity Claws Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 08:56 PM
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4. I agree
Edited on Tue Jan-11-05 08:58 PM by in search of sanity
that something is up with the script he is given.
They may spell out phonetically certain words but I think the script tells him when to pause. It's as though they put four words together and then leave a huge space so that he knows he should pause there.

There's something about all his pauses and how unnatural and forced they seem that really get to me.

edited to correct a word
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niyad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 08:58 PM
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5. I refuse to pollute my brain with his images, or his sounds. seriously,
one thinks of the computer term GIGO (garbage in, garbage out) and see that he is a perfect representation of that

(besides, friends have forbidden me to have him on tv, as I have a tendency to hurl more than just invective at the screen)
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RafterMan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 09:02 PM
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6. new-kew-lurr
I don't think so.

Lots of smart people are poor readers. Bush isn't one of them, but he may be just a poor reader.
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burn the bush Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jan-11-05 11:22 PM
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8. Sue Na Me
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