Royalty such as bush eventually turns on the commoners.
Bush is related to Charles II who was son of Charles I.
Charles I advocated "divine rights of kings" same as the unelected bush. This is 3 different references regarding bush blue bloods.
1.]"His Royal Highness, King Dubya
Burke's publishing director, Harold Brooks-Baker says Bush's royal connections are startling. "
is closely related to every European Monarch both on and off the throne," says Brooks-Baker. Some of the governor's royal kin include Britain's Queen Elizabeth II, the Queen Mother, Duchess Sarah "Fergy" Ferguson and even the late Princess Diana. His most prominent ancestor may be England's King Charles II, who shared the governor's vision of a strong military. Going back nearly 1000 years, Brooks-Baker points out both the Bush and Pierce families were high society. "Not one member of his family was working class, middle class, or even middle, middle class," he notes. "
2.]"Back in 1999, he began studying the family history of George W. Bush, who, on his father's side, can claim kinship with Britain's Queen Elizabeth, as well as with Kings Henry III and Charles II of England — and to the Premyslid dynasty of Bohemia.
Charles II, second son of Charles I and Henrietta Marie of France, was born in 1630. He spent his teenage years fighting Parliament's Roundhead forces until his father's execution in 1649, when he escaped to France."
thanx for question.sorry for long post