I posted this letter, sent by a naval officer in the center of the relief efforts in Indonesia who gave me his permission to post it, earlier and it has not been seen by nearly as many DUers as it should be. It is very, very worth reading, and it is also good to show our support for what the relief workers, military and civilian, are trying to accomplish.
Ted's first-hand account is so moving and vivid that on reading it I felt connected to him, the sailors on his ship (the USS Abraham Lincoln), the people they are working with to try to help the desperate tsunami survivors, and the survivors themselves. He says that he has never been so proud to be part of the military. You'll see what he means.
The full, unedited letter (he gave me his permission to post it this way) is here:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=104&topic_id=2934356#2936831Please visit it and leave your comments. I think the sailors on his ship will be watching, and they deserve our encouragement and support in what they are doing.