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I need adopt a troop information

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andino Donating Member (668 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-05 02:24 AM
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I need adopt a troop information
Anyone have any links so that I can adopt a troop? I have searched and all I could find is companies that I can send money into and they will send the package but I want to send the package. Is there a adopt a soldier site or something?

Thanks in advance
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Stephanie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-05 02:42 AM
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1. There are DU'ers who sent many care packages to troops
and I'm sure they will post soon to give you info, so I am kicking for you.
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andino Donating Member (668 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-05 02:44 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. Thanks.
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Celeborn Skywalker Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-05 02:54 AM
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3. Kick! n/t
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pamela Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-05 02:59 AM
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4. Here's a link
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WillowTree Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-05 03:17 AM
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5. Try this
I've adopted several soldiers through, You can pick a soldier to send packages to but you should understand that the particular person that you choose is a point person for his or her unit and the package may be passed on to someone else in the unit who may not receive much mail. It's a great program and a super web site. They provide a wealth of information as to what items you can and can not send and how to package and send them. And most of the soldier profiles will give a brief synopsis of items that might be needed where they specifically are.

I've had great fun shopping for various items to include in packages and thinking up fun little surprises. Snacks and personal care items and playing cards and yo-yos and whatnot. You'll be surprised at some of the things that you'll think of while walking around the market or drug store or dollar store.

And, in case you don't come across the info that I did, one thing that's great and that I make sure to include in each package are a few Beanie Baby type toys as the soldiers like to be able to have little toys to give to children that they meet and those (they don't have to be Beanie Babies specifically, just small stuffed toys) are unbreakable and easy for them to stuff in their pockets or backpacks to carry with them. They don't have to be brand new, just in good condition. I have two great nieces who always have way more toys than they need or play with and they, bless their sweet hearts, take a lot of pleasure in sharing what they have with the children of Iraq and Afghanistan. I've also found handfuls of such toys at resale shops for 25 to 50 cents each. They provide our soldiers with a nice little way to connect with the locals as they go about their duties. (They're also easy to stuff in the little corners of packages that I'm sending 'cause I make sure that the boxes I send are full!

Anyway, here's the link. Perhaps others will know of other resources, too.

Just a caution, though. The site is addictive and you might want to keep a box of tissues handy while you read the profiles posted by the soldiers. What amazing young people they are!!
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andino Donating Member (668 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-05 03:48 AM
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6. Thanks Guys
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