I started a group a while back and a website for people who want to stop discussing issues and start doing things that will help bring true democracy back to our country.
It's been working quite well. We keep each other posted on actions to take, letters to write, etc. However, we're growing in leaps and bounds. I have just hit 300 members and of course when you have that many people you do end up with a couple here or there who just want to cause trouble.
I had to 'boot' a couple members because they were just arguing and one was even racially intimidating another member. It's so sad, too, because when I started the group, I figured my only trouble would be freepers, but these seemed to be people who felt the same way the rest of us do, but they simply cannot behave. That's brought some people's morale down and I've lost a few members due to these clowns.
Anyway, I would welcome anyone from DU who has a little extra time to join and contribute by helping update the group about any actions happening that we can take part in. I don't need news posts, per se, but actual alerts to letter writing campaigns, petition signing, vigils, etc.
If you can help me out, PM me or just visit the group link below. Thanks in advance for any help or input you can give!
Your Friend in Democracy
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Do_Something_America/(edited to provide the link. That does help, huh?)