A recent article from one of my favorite columnists, William Edelen. The entire article can be viewed by using the provided link. - Wayne* * * * *
William Edelen
November 28, 2004 In a recent newspaper interview in another state the reporter said this to me: "the fundamentalists say that you are intolerant. Do you think that you are?" I said to her..."you bet....I am totally intolerant of intolerance." "People that use God and the bible as a big 2X4 plank to hit all the rest of us over the head are beneath contempt and need to be resisted."
In a speech to the American Society of Newspaper Editors, Salman Rushdie presented one of the great truths of our time. He said this: "Special interest groups, claiming the moral high ground, now demand the protection of the censor.
The fundamentalist Christian Right say we must "respect" their beliefs and agenda. Criticism, they say, is off limits as being disrespectful. Citizens of free societies, democracies, do not preserve their freedom by pussyfooting around their fellow citizens' opinions. Skepticism and freedom are indissolubly linked...And it is the skepticism of journalists, their unwillingness to be impressed, that is their most important contribution to the freedom of the free world. It is the disrespect of journalists for power, for orthodoxy, for party lines, for ideologies, for vanity, for arrogance, for folly, for pretension, for corruption and for stupidity that I would like to celebrate, and that I urge you all, in the name of freedom, to preserve."
I have never read a finer, cleaner estimate of the price of freedom. It is the latitude and longitude of a treasure, a treasure more valuable than all of the religious dogmas of this age. The treasure is human freedom.