Won't Block KKK From Highway Cleanup
Missouri lost a Supreme Court appeal Monday over its decision to bar a Ku Klux Klan group from a highway litter cleanup program.
The court's rejection, made without comment, means that the KKK chapter must be allowed into Missouri's Adopt-A-Highway program, which is designed to save money by using volunteers for garbage pickup. Volunteer groups are publicly thanked with signs along the highway acknowledging their help.
The dispute involves a half-mile stretch of Missouri 21 near Potosi, a town of fewer than 3,000 in the eastern part of the state.
Robert Herman of St. Louis, the attorney for the KKK, said that the group wants to do its part in community service and to express "solidarity with the community."
(pardon me while I throw up)
will they pick up trash with their robes on?
if not, can we not photograph them so as to know who the racists are?
so, driving down Rt. 21 we will see a sign thanking the KKK for keeping it clean.
"clean" is not a word that can be associated with the KKK. they have dirty minds and bloody hands.