Something I've been thinking, and I'm sure this isn't a breakthrough, but I wanted to write it down just to clarify my own thoughts. Comments are welcome.
We have this administration that talks, talks, talks about morals and ethics, etc., and we have an election which the media claims was ruled by votes on "morals." (I'm well aware that this is a boatload of shit.) But then we have Abu Grhaib and Gitmo. ShrubCo keeps saying that Geneva conventions don't apply to the terra-ists, so we can happily torture them as long as we don't talk about it too much. Besides, the terra-ists don't follow the conventions and aren't a party to them, so we don't have to follow them either.
Seems to me that the Geneva conventions, regardless of the language used, were put in place to recognize, in part, (a) rules of engagement (rules of war), and (b) the integrity/dignity of humankind. Even prisoners of war have to be treated with basic human dignity.
So, if the administration was really as moral and ethical as it claims, it would take the moral high ground. It would maintain the integrity of the SPIRIT of the conventions, and act as a mature nation regardless of the actions of the other party. Instead, under color of "we don't negotiate with terrorists", the administration itself becomes a terrorist organization. KJ