Edited on Wed Jan-12-05 01:46 PM by Rosco T.
.. and the word is "Guerilla Marketing".
FIRST: A well maintained, well designed website that week-by-week, blunder by blunder lays out in the clearest of terms, linked and backuped by irrefutable documentation, without personal opinion or overwrought hyperbole; every single lie and deception that BushCo is putting out, covering up or being ignored by the 'mainstream' media.
Social Security, Ethic Rules, 'Doomsday Plans' for the Senate, the election 'funnies'. Chapter and Verse. But NEVER, NEVER refer to DimSon as ANYTHING but 'the President' or 'President Bush', never refer to 'thugs always 'the Republican Party'. Always to the UNVARNISHED FACTS. No Ads, nothing to sell, just un-deniable TRUTH.
SECOND: You gotta have a name. Something like www.realdeal.net, something simple, catchy and will stick in the head. You also gotta have a tag line... personally, I like ".. there you go again...".
THIRD: Marketing. We've got, what, 60,000 members here and who knows how many 2 or 3 times removed from that? Just put a link to the site in your sigs, on your web pages. Take a cue from 'www.truth.org' (is that the anti-smoking group?) a pocket full of stickers that people can slap on posts, walls, etc...
FOURTH: Every, so often (like before the boy king tries to push thru the Social Security vote), a 'white knight' (calling Mr Soros) takes a full page add in the papers across the country with nothing more than:
SOCIAL SECURITY www. realdeal. net
"... there you go again ..."
that's all.
Word of mouth, people will talk. And if the material on the web is absolutely non-personal, people will think. If it makes things miserable enough, we may only have two more years of dimson.