Peggy Noonan, the rightwingnut, in her 1999 article advising bush to stonewall critics about his coke-snorting days.
Excerpt of amazing hypocrisy:
I miss the old days, which I am nostalgic for even though I wasn't there.
I miss the old tolerance--a real tolerance that wasn't officially enforced by ideologues but that bubbled up from an old shared knowledge that we're all human, and damaged, and strange.Which gets us to W. I guess he messed up with that Clintonesque parsing of I haven't done anything bad in seven years (or 15 years or 25 years). And I guess he messed up before that by violating his own privacy to announce that he'd never been unfaithful to his wife. But I hope he quiets up now and says nothing. Because no one who knows him or works with him or reports on him says he has a drug problem.
They say that if he did something, it happened way back there on 12th Street and Vine. Which is where it ought to stay. And I hope he remembers, and the press realizes, that
an admired man who runs for office will not be helping the country if he issues a nice big public confession that will be deconstructed by kids to mean "I took coke, and I'm your next president--so go take some coke!"I hope he stonewalls. Because if he does, in time it will be like every Clinton scandal: it will go away.
Now FreeRepublic's leader Jim Robertson's reply to the above:
To: Freedom Wins
So, it doesn't matter if he snorted coke as a youth? It was a long time ago, a youthful indiscretion? Kinda like people who frequented sneakeasies during prohibition? Kind of a cute story, eh? Well, how about all the people whose lives have been destroyed by being arrested for the felony of drug possession? What about the millions of people who are rotting away in your filthy drug infested prisons at this very moment?
Well, by God, if you people insist on electing another cokehead as President, you damned well better throw open all the prison cell doors and free every man, woman, and child you're holding on drug charges. And if you're gonna elect another drug felon as President, you'd better rescind each and every one of your unconstitutional drug laws now on the books, including all of your unconstitutional search and seizure laws, and your asset forfeiture laws, and your laws that enable your unconstitutional snooping into our bank accounts and cash transactions. Well, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. You people are sick! Conservatives my ass. You people are nothing but a bunch of non-thinking hypocrits! You're a shame and a disgrace to the Republic!
And, I, for one, am tired of taking orders from cokeheads and felons! Elect another one and I'll tell you what. I'll be ready for war! It'll be time to take up arms and run the filthy lying bastards out!
2 Posted on 08/20/1999 03:19:31 PDT by Jim Robinson
And check out the freeper replies to the Noonan article & Robertson's reply: jaw-dropping stuff. :D