I think I might know where he's coming from. I think I'm about his age. I also work for myself, which actually just means don't collect a regular paycheck; if I want to work, I have to see clients, as Moore does (except, in his case, the "clients" are backers of his films). I am also basically a lefty kook like Moore...I care more about my work and its message than I do about my clothes. Clothes mean nothing -- if you judge me by my clothes, then screw you. Since I work alone, I can wear jeans and a hoodie all day, and often do.
Toward the end of last summer, I cut my hair. It was long, almost halfway down my back. I cut it pretty short. Then in the fall I cut it even shorter. People's reaction was pretty strong. Several weren't shy about telling me it made me look more "respectable" and serious. On the occasions where I'd also wear some decent clothes, friends would often joke about the "transformation."
Now, I can only guess, but my bet is that Moore, after all these years and with all the money he's got, just got tired of being prefaced with "slovenly," "slob," "tattered," "unkempt," etc, etc. Every appearance he'd make, every time he was the subject of an ET segment, he was characterized as the "rumpled, dissheveled Michael Moore." Maybe he just finally realized that, dammit, people DO indeed tend to treat you with a bit more respect when you don't look like you're about to ask them for five bucks. And since he doesn't need anyone's five bucks, why not enjoy some of the perks that come with having some hard-earned cake, like nice clothes and a good haircut?
Maybe. I'm only guessing based upon my own experiences. I didn't sell out any of my convictions merely because I cut my hair. I doubt Moore has sold out, either, simply because he's wearing something other than a baseball cap and sweatshirt.
Now if he'd just drop 100 pounds, he'd be all set (I lost 55...100 and I would have disappeared). So give him a break and compliment him on his nice new look. Unless you see him going into the AEI Building, or sharing the podium with Tom DeLay...THEN you worry.