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The First Step

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ck4829 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-05 03:08 PM
Original message
The First Step
I have listed many ways to oppose the RW. But, I always forgot to mention the first step toward this.

We need to organize.

We need an Umbrella Group, and it needs to be in the hands of everyday common people. We need to list any groups we have, and we need to bring them together under something.

The problem with DU and why I don't think it will work is because it is simply a forum for people to meet. What we need in a way, is for Groups to come together.

The non-wealthy Americans CAN oppose the RW. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it.

We need something to organize 100's if not 1000's of Activists.

We need our own media groups.

We need to Unite.

After all of these things have happened, we can then begin our work on bringing down the RW.
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juslikagrzly Donating Member (646 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jan-12-05 03:19 PM
Response to Original message
1. Agree
Mr. juslikagrzly and I started up a group in our small city. We've had two meetings with an average attendance of 80. We've looked at affiliating with all kinds of national groups but can't seem to find one that meets our needs. We are a progressive, interfaith group with activism on our minds :). The National Interfaith Alliance and the Progressive Alliance are both "apolitical" according to their websites and both want their local chapters to be 501(c)3 which precludes any political activity. The NIA especially won't take stands on "controversial" issues like abortion, gay marriage, the Iraq invasion, or the Israel-Palestinian conflict.

Where to turn? Affiliation with some kind of national group gives local groups more visibility and credibility.

We've kind of been stuck on this issue. Maybe we here at DU can put our thoughts together and come up with something.

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