- forgot all about the evil war!!! I can't believe how hard it is to keep a perspective on all of this. The war is immoral and not just because of our troops dying - it's a genocide for the Iraqis! We are dumping depleted uranium on them! So, they, their children and their children's children for generations into the half-life of radioactive decay will kill and deform them. What a liberation.
(the post I mentioned: ) --------------------------------------------------------------
Let us not waste this important contribution.
As the Repubs have a united front - a "daily message" we must take that message and turn it on them. We must take advantage of all the corruption as it erupts and not give them a chance to "cover up" or elude it. This week, Armstrong and Gonzales, long term continue to dig up voter fraud proof. We must fight and win the Social Security initiative - this is just a bankroll for the administration to do more of what they do - if they get there hands on it - it will all be gone in a wink (or a smirk). Next expect to hear more about other terrorist locations of opportunity, nuclear solutions, domestic entitlement programs reduced (further). We may go beyond fascist onto feudal if they aren't stopped.