The funniest thing I've seen in a while:
What is SOS?
Students for an Orwellian Society (SOS) is a nationwide student group. Although SOS has always been a nationwide student group, there is evidence to suggest that it first appeared at Columbia University. The mission of SOS is to promote the vision of a society based upon the principles of Ingsoc, first articulated by George Orwell in his prophetic novel, 1984.
As an Oceania-wide organization, SOS has a number of local chapters. For a partial listing, see our contact section.
War Is Peace
Oceania (commonly called the US and Britain) is at war with Afghanistan Iraq. Oceania has always been at war with Afghanistan Iraq.
Eurasia (commonly called Russia, Pakistan, etc.) is allied with Oceania in war against Afghanistan. Eurasia has always been allied with Oceania.
Freedom Is Slavery
The Anti-Terrorism Act ensures US citizens' freedom by ensuring the FBI's ability to examine their activities.
If you are buying postage, do not ask for stamps without flags on them. Such would clearly be a sign of lack-of-patriotism, and we at SOS are glad to see that the Post Office is cracking down on it.
Ignorance Is Strength
Osama bin Laden's messages will no longer be shown in Oceania. This will improve the strength of the bloc.
The New York Times published an excellent piece of doublethink in its magazine section on Sunday 18 November. It is bad that Al-Jazeera fails to take American positions seriously. It is good that American media doesn't take Arab positions seriously. And all this from an Arab-American scholar who President Bush the First once called “more anti-Arab than the Israelis.”