Another name to google is George Seldes, a contemporary of Stone. His 'In Fact' weekly is often pointed to as a precurser and inspiration for I.F. Stone's Weekly.
Wrote some great books about WWII-era fascism and it's American collaborators. He names a lot of US names in the book 'Facts and Fascism', for example.
on edit;
Here's a link to an excerpt of a book Seldes wrote
in 1942!:
Is the Entire Press Corrupt?
What is the most powerful force in America today?
Answer: Public opinion.
What makes public opinion?
Answer: The main force is the press.
Can you trust the press?
Answer: The baseball scores are always correct (except for a typographical error now and then). The stock market tables are correct (within the same limitation). But when it comes to news which will affect you, your daily life, your job, your relation to other peoples, your thinking on economic and social problems, and, more important today, your going to war and risking your life for a great ideal, then you cannot trust about 98 percent (or perhaps 99 1/2 percent) of the big newspaper and big magazine press of America.
But why can't you trust the press?
Answer: Because it has become big business. The big city press and the big magazines have become commercialized, or big business organizations, run with no other motive than profit for owner or stockholder (although hypocritically still maintaining the old American tradition of guiding and enlightening the people). The big press cannot exist a day without advertising. Advertising means money from big business.
(more at link)